to connect; to link together; to tie; to fasten; to maintain; to preserve
unidentifiable; unidentified
to take a pinch of something (e.g. salt); to pick up in one's fingers
close (e.g. friend); familiar; familiar (e.g. story); well-known (to one); close (relatives); closely related
for example; for instance; e.g.
to kill; to slay; to suppress; to block; to suppress (a voice, feelings, etc.); to hold back
on one occasion; once; at one point; at one time
to brave; to risk; to harm; to afflict; to desecrate; to profane
infection; contagion; becoming infected
two times; twice; two degrees
first of all; in the first place; to begin with; for starters
to try; to attempt; to have a go (at something)
deciding first; settling (a matter) first; first priority
to re-think; to think back upon; to change one's mind
sudden; abrupt; rapid; sharp; drastic; radical
assumption; supposition; hypothesis
occult; transcendental; supernaturalness; supernaturalism; supernaturality
another person; other people; unrelated person (i.e. not related by blood); outsider; stranger
even if; even though; even; too; whether ... or ...; no matter (what, where, who, etc.)
to lock up; to shut up; to imprison
very recently; in the very recent past
coming flying in (migratory birds, airborne sand, pollen, etc.); coming by airplane
development; exploitation
to leak out; to escape; to find expression; to give vent; to leak out; to be divulged
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
a kind; a sort; of sorts; something of a; sort of; somewhat
point of uncertainty; unclarified issue; doubt
to float; to set afloat; to show on one's face (smile, sadness, etc.); to recall; to call to mind
narrow; confined; small; limited; narrow-minded; confining
mutually; with each other; reciprocally; together
autopsy; inquest; investigation of death
that field; the authorities (esp. the police)
gag order; gag rule; gag law
to spread out; to lay out; to take a position; to impose widely (e.g. over a city)
under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.); under (a flag, the sun, etc.); beneath; with (e.g. one blow); on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that ...); (somebody's) side
argument; discussion; theory (e.g. of evolution); doctrine; essay; treatise
to advance; to move forward; to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to raise; to elevate