ranking; toplist (e.g. of WWW sites)
hug; carrying in one's arms (a baby, pet, doll, etc.)
to carry around; to carry on one's person
far and away the best; the very best; cream of the crop; crème de la crème; decisive lead; commanding lead
brush tip; first on a list; head; chief
this way (of doing); this method; this sort (of thing); this type
to be dyed; to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained
to run counter to; to go against; to disobey; to infringe
a-ha-ha (laughing loudly)
everything; anything; nothing
whether or not (in phrases like "I don't know whether or not I can come")
one's physical safety; personal security
securing; obtaining; ensuring; belay; belaying
deciding first; settling (a matter) first; first priority
dangerous; risky; in danger; in jeopardy; uncertain; unreliable
to shed light; to cast light
vigilance; caution; alertness; precaution; being on guard
to give the stamp of approval
being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.)
spring; springtime; New Year; prime (of life); height (of one's prosperity); adolescence
(arch.) retainer; (arch.) attendant; Omi (hereditary title; orig. one of the two highest such titles, later demoted to sixth highest of eight); I; me
indescribable; having no way to express
describing; comparing; form; figure; personal appearance; one's face and figure
removing one's hat; admiring someone greatly; "taking off one's hat" to someone
honestly speaking; in truth; in all honesty; to be frank
go that far; to that extent
(exaggerated) professing to be; passing oneself off as
without change; as is; just like; extremely similar; immediately; just after
admiration; being impressed (by)
there; over there; genitals; private parts; that far; that much
surprise; astonishment; wonder; amazement
how many years; how long; what year
person with a lot of experience; old hand; veteran (in a particular field)
the way one works; one's working manner
proud; having a prominent nose
senior group member; leader among peers; (like) one's older brother; big brother
together with; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
placed one upon another; piled up; excellent; splendid; superimposition; superposition
incompetence; inefficiency; inability; incompetent person
to hold back others from achieving success; to stand in the way of; to sabotage