without; unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
monopoly; monopolization; exclusivity; hogging; keeping to oneself
trifling with; toying with; playing with; tossing about (a ship)
exactly!; surely!; that's it!; ding dong (sound of door bell, chime, etc.)
guest; visitor; customer; client; shopper
circular notice (esp. distributed to households within a neighbourhood association)
dealing with (people, customers, complaints, etc.); receiving (callers, visitors, etc.); attending to; handling; serving
in the meanwhile; during the time
humour; humor; safety; health; in a good mood; in high spirits
aluminium can; aluminum can
poison; toxicant; harm; evil influence; ill will; spite
accumulation; accumulate; store
to be ruined; to go under; to perish; to be destroyed
to send (someone) back; to send (someone) home
facial expression; countenance; look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
peephole; spyhole; inspection hole; observation window
invitation; solicitation; canvassing; canvasing; inducement; persuasion
radical party; extremists
entrance; front door; entryway; entranceway; entry hall; vestibule
to lean against; to set against
(walking) stick; cane; wand
annotation; explanatory note; comment
National Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1947-); Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1889-1947); legislative assembly; parliament
prohibition of sale; ban on sale
resolution; vote; decision
arranged; taken care of; settled; completed; finished
alias; pseudonym; pen name; nom de plume; different name; other name
watermelon splitting (game)
to screw in; to thrust into; to push into; to protest (and seek rectification); to complain
to drive away; to turn away; to send away; to repel; to repulse
scenery; scene; landscape
exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
blocking (e.g. the way); obstructing; block (lump of something (usu. square), area of town, etc.); block; physical record (e.g. on magnetic tape); concrete block; blocking (from view, esp. of websites, on social media, etc.)
board; plank; sheet (of metal); plate (of glass); cutting board; chopping board
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
to wag one's tail; to flatter; to butter up; to fawn (on)
collapsing in the street (from exhaustion, illness, etc.); falling dead in the street; person lying dead in the street
address (e.g. of house); residence; domicile