identification; ID; identity
black and white; monochrome; good and evil; right and wrong; guilt and innocence
impossible; unlikely; improbable
regular; normal; formal; legal; established; legitimate
route; path; channel (e.g. sales, distribution)
peeking; peeping (e.g. through a hole, narrow gap)
different (quality, nature); heterogeneous
the whole area; all areas
to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.); to indicate; to show
jūbako; multi-tiered food box; heavy; serious; extreme; -fold
to fold up; to fold into layers
to spread; to extend; to unfold; to open; to scatter about; to spread around
arrangement (of resources); deployment; stationing; posting; disposition; configuration
corresponding to (in meaning, function, etc.); being equivalent to; appropriate; suitable; to be proportionate to; to be in keeping with
small; fine; minute; minor; trivial; sensitive
magic; Magic Marker; felt-tip pen; magic number
mark; sign; symbol; emblem; badge; crest
small peninsula; cape; promontory; headland
attached; belonging (to); included; enclosed; affiliated; annexed
to send (a thing); to dispatch; to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person); to bid farewell (to the departed); to bury; to spend (time)
gradually; steadily; slowly; little by little; step by step; by degrees
illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; bad habit; bad behaviour; crazy; insane
medicine manufacture; drug manufacture
(study of) pharmacy; pharmaceutics
to catch one's breath; to gulp; to have one's breath taken away; to gasp
stamp; seal; seal impression; seal; mudra (symbolic hand gesture); ninja hand sign
point in common; common feature
equal; equivalent; equals sign; equality sign; equals (as in "A equals B")
to tie; to bind; to bear (fruit); to close (e.g. deal); to confirm; to connect (two distant places); to close tightly
dizziness; giddiness; vertigo
trivial; not amounting to much; not enough to cause a problem; not as much as expected
game arcade; video arcade; penny arcade
fighting (against); taking on (an opponent); facing; confronting; competing (with); battle
hand-to-hand fighting; grappling; scuffling
absorbed in; immersed in; forgetting oneself; daze; within a dream; while dreaming
in succession; one by one
muscle; tendon; vein; artery; fiber; fibre; line
conclusion; decision; judgement; affirmative