optimism; taking an optimistic view
careful; cautious; prudent; discreet; deliberate
speech; expression; wording; language
internal conditions; true state of affairs
to be aware of; to know; to notice; to feel; to understand; to comprehend; to remember
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be badly off; to be hard up
compulsion; coercion; forcing (to do); enforcement
instant; moment; for an instant
living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood
to recall; to remember; to recollect
difficult; hard; impossible; unfeasible; fussy; particular; gloomy
to defend against; to protect against; to prevent; to avert; to avoid
to calm down; to compose oneself; to calm down; to settle down; to settle down (in a location, job, etc.); to settle in; to be settled
I; me; personal (affairs, etc.); private; selfishness; partiality
to be heard; to be audible; to be said to be; to be reputed
everything; anything; nothing
near; neighbourhood; nearly (e.g. "it took nearly one year"); close to; shortly; soon
in comparison to; rather than
skill; skillful; dexterity; flattery
way of hearing; way a spoken statement is taken; way of asking
to be needed; to be wanted
seeming ...; appearing ...; -ish; like a ...; typical of ...
moment to quit; way to quit
light (i.e. not heavy); feeling light (i.e. offering little resistance, moving easily); light (i.e. of foot); effortless; non-serious; minor; slight
to hang; to suspend; to lower; to reduce; to demote; to move back
in so doing; when you do so; in this regard; on this occasion; some time during that period
neck; head; dismissal; discharge
to grow long (e.g. hair, nails); to lengthen; to extend; to reach out; to hold out; to straighten; to smooth out
stand; rack; support; holder; counter for machines, incl. vehicles; setting (e.g. in jewellery); level (e.g. price level)
to present; to submit; to tender; to hold out
such; this sort of; like this
endorsing and questioning the preceding statement; lamenting reflections on the preceding statement
circumference; girth; surroundings; neighbourhood; people surrounding oneself; surrounding circumstances
feeling a sudden chill; feeling a shiver; feeling sudden surprise (fright, horror, etc.); shuddering
cold; chill; cold weather; cold wave; cold air
to cling to; to hold on to; to grapple; to set about doing; to begin; to take hold of
to cross (e.g. road); to traverse
alright; all right; right on; looking good; OK; okay
to do; to undertake; to send; to dispatch; to put; to move; to give (esp. to someone of equal or lower status)