to wake up; to sober up; to come to one's senses; to become enlightened
to hate; to dislike; to loathe
to struggle; to writhe; to wriggle; to act frantically; to make desperate efforts
to run; to dash; to gallop (on horseback); to canter; (arch.) to advance (against one's enemy); (arch.) to charge (on horseback)
clever; shrewd; canny; smart; quick; prompt
to catch up (with); to draw level; to pull even; to be compensated; to make up for one's losses
to breathe heavily (e.g. with much movement of the shoulders)
meanwhile; in the meantime; by the same token; in contrast
it's been a long time; long time no see
to wake up (someone; by calling out); to awaken; to bring back (e.g. memories); to evoke; to recall
to send (someone) back; to send (someone) home
still (continuing); as ever; further
to make a speech; to address
three; three years of age
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
clever; shrewd; crafty; cunning; pretentious; impertinent
groan; moan; roar; growl; buzz; hum (e.g. motor)
snapping (e.g. fingers) sound; with a pop
to burst open; to pop; to split
to crumble down; to tumble down; to fall in
to fall to one's knees; to go down on one's knees (e.g. to express respect)
hair; fur; wool; down; plumage
to stand on end (hair, fur); to bristle; to ruffle (up)
pale; pallid; bluish-white
sometimes; at intervals; occasionally; on occasion; from time to time
mouse; rat; dark gray; dark grey; slate (color, colour)
nesting hole; burrow; den
originally; primarily; essentially; intrinsically; proper; rightful
minuteness; one millionth
high-voltage current; high-tension current
release; emission; ejection
negligence; carelessness; inattention; unpreparedness
unhurt; uninjured; flawless (e.g. gem); unblemished; spotless (e.g. reputation); faultless (e.g. performance)
rough (touch, voice, etc.); coarse; gritty; rattling (of beans, beads, etc.)
to live; to exist; to make a living; to subsist; to be in effect; to be in use
chafing; grinding (e.g. teeth); binding tightly; pulling tight (e.g. a bow); rotating quickly; hurting sharply
to hurt; to ache; to feel a pain; to be injured; to be spoiled (e.g. food); to be damaged
prognostic symptoms; after-effect
to be shut; to close; to be locked; to tighten; to be tightened; to become sober