one's father; one's old man; middle-aged (or older) man; old man; one's boss; proprietor (of a restaurant, store, etc.)
to send (a thing); to dispatch; to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person); to bid farewell (to the departed); to bury; to spend (time)
today; this day; these days; recently; nowadays
to reach; to touch; to be delivered; to arrive; to be attentive; to be scrupulous
business use; business purposes
brown envelope; manila envelope
reply (e.g. email, fax, letter); answer
indeed; really; very; extremely; absolutely; certainly
active duty; active service; student taking (university) entrance exams while still enrolled in school; student who passed their university entrance exams on the first try
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force; JGSDF
trouble; bother; trouble; difficulty; care; attention
to go through the proper procedures; to follow the required steps
yes; yeah; huh?; what?; not; 's
is not; am not; are not; isn't it?
there's no (other) way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; it's no use (doing); pointless; hopeless (person)
(at a rate of) once a month; 10 percent monthly interest
apiece; each; at a time; piecemeal
brush tip; first on a list; head; chief
worry; concern; anxiety; care; help; aid
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
though; although; be that as it may; nonetheless
living by oneself; living alone
just like; (virtually) no different from; (almost) the same as; as good as (e.g. dead, settled)
lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
parental love or affection
be supposed or expected to (do); be sure to (do); ought to (do)
service; duty; business; Buddhist religious services
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
to be reminded of; to call to mind
one thin flat object; one sheet
address (e.g. of house); residence; domicile
to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation); to confuse; to mistake something for something else
unclear; obscure; unknown; unidentified; ignorance; lack of wisdom
sending back; return to sender
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
casual; unconcerned; nonchalant