(what) one is trying to say; (what) one wants to say; (what) one is saying; (what) one means
birth; birthplace; born in (country, month, imperial era, zodiac year, etc.)
gender; distinction of sex; sex
to lie; to cheat; to pretend; to trick; to deceive
to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to go to (school, work, etc.); to attend; to circulate (e.g. blood, electricity); to be communicated (e.g. thought)
no sooner than; as soon as; immediately after; at the thought of; when I think about
clearly; plainly; distinctly; decisively; flatly; definitely
assertion; declaration; affirmation
my goodness!; oh my!; oh dear!
in terms of both ... and ...; from the perspective of ... as well as ...; whether it be ... or ...
to do for (the sake of someone else)
to smile with one's whole face; to squint
investigation (e.g. into someone's guilt); questioning; pressing; catching up; overtaking
at any rate; in any event; either way; anyway
the present; present time; as of; present tense; this world; this life
close (e.g. friend); familiar; familiar (e.g. story); well-known (to one); close (relatives); closely related
dangerous; risky; in danger; in jeopardy; uncertain; unreliable
it doesn't matter what; anything is fine
important; momentous; essential; principal; major
no matter what it takes; by any means necessary; at all costs; by hook or by crook
sightseeing; watching; viewing; sightseer; watcher; spectator
meeting up; gathering; assembly; set
voluntary training; voluntary practice; free practice
staff member; employee; worker; personnel
seems to be; appears to have; supposed to be
thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; to beat fast (of one's heart); to throb; to pound
looking for something; searching for something; object being sought
purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
to make merry; to be festive
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
to face (each other); to be facing; to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to receive (a client, etc.); to compare with
tough; hard; determined; strong-minded; strong (e.g. sunlight, alcohol); severe
acknowledgement; acknowledgment; understanding (e.g. "please be understanding of the mess during our renovation"); noting; acceptance
feelings; thoughts; meaning
to represent; to signify; to reveal; to show; to express; to make widely known
to chip; to be chipped; to be missing (from a set, team, etc.); to be absent; to be lacking (in); to be short (of)
pinch; crisis; tough spot; clothespin
to do one's best; to put forth every effort
stealthily; secretly; in secret
double; two-fold; diplo-; dipl-; double-edged eyelid; double eyelid