on the same occasion; at the same time; coincidentally; along with; partly (to do, for)
not necessarily so; is not always true
given that ... it is only natural that ...; ... being the case, it is unavoidable that ...; (precisely) because ...; contrary to expectations ...
hard to say; inexpressible; hesitant to say; embarrassing; delicate
suspicious; dubious; doubtful; unsure; untrustworthy; unreliable; strange
(fighting) spirit; motivation; shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.); cheer; kiai; short shout when performing an attacking move
appearance; arrival; make one's appearance
to hit; to run into; to light on; to strike into; to come against; to deadlock
eternal; unlimited; endless
low (rank, degree, value, content, quality, etc.); low (position); close to the ground; short (height); deep (voice); in a low key
even if; (it doesn't matter) whether (A or B or ...); whatever; should
oh!; ah!; oh dear!; good grief!; dear me!; thank God!
falling lightly (e.g. snow, petals, confetti); fluttering; flickering; twinkling; appearing and disappearing; catching glimpses
appearing and disappearing; slipping in and out of view
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
briskly with small steps; trotting
memory; sense; experience
conviction; belief; confidence
delicate; minute; fine; detailed; subtle
to be ready; to be prepared; to be in order; to be put in order; to be adjusted; to be regulated
beautiful face; good looks; beauty
to be still half asleep; to be half awake; to be not yet quite awake
even; flat; level; calm; peaceful; uneventful
to become dim; to become blurred
several times; a few times
impact (on); (strong) impression; effect; impact (of a ball against a racket, bat, club, etc.)
to curse (at someone); to call someone names; to speak bitterly
postbox; mailbox; pillar box
the reverse; other side; lining
at the same time as; while; as well as (multiple roles)
pinioning; binding arms behind the back
to catch sight of; to come into view; to happen to see
postbox; mailbox; post; position; post (e.g. goalpost); post- (e.g. post-Cold War)
to shake and untangle; to shake free from
terrible; dreadful; terrifying; surprising; startling; tremendous
binding hand and foot; temporary feeling of paralysis; sleep paralysis; being tied down with money
camera shake; picture blur; deviation; slight shifting
it's been a long time; long time no see
lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy; well; fit
cold (attitude); indifferent; unsympathetic; aloof
skip it; drop it; I've had enough (e.g. when offered something); that's enough
close adhesion; sticking firmly to; relating closely to; having relevance to; contact printing