very likely; very probable
sales; selling; marketing
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing
(the) mainstream; main course (of a river); main stream
neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity
difficult to ...; hard to ...
something like ...; something called ...
to make; to produce; to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol); to raise; to grow; to till
it cannot be helped; there's nothing for it; it's no use fighting back; it's hopeless; there is no way out of it
fetters; shackles; hobbles; encumbrance; hindrance; burden
depression; low spirits; dejection
to lose; to be defeated; to succumb; to give in; to be inferior to; to break out in a rash due to (e.g. lacquer, shaving, etc.)
to borrow; to have a loan; to rent; to hire
body; oneself; one's place; one's position; main part; meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.)
presumptuous; impertinent; impudent; ridiculous; laughable; absurd
to raise; to rear; to train; to teach; to promote the growth of; to nurture
to have a reason; to have an excuse
calm; quiet; gentle; moderate; reasonable; amicable
certain; unmistaken; evident; obvious; beyond doubt
creator; inventor; developer
passion; enthusiasm; zeal
to dwell; to live; to stay at; to take shelter at; to be pregnant; to be part of a constellation
to open the lid; to lift a lid; to open the lid (on); to make public; to start (something); to look at the results (consequences, outcome, effect)
very popular; highly favoured
back-facing; backwards; backward-looking; retrogressive; reactionary
to the last; persistency; thoroughness
victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
of course; certainly; naturally
(editorial) supervision; general editorship; supervising director
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
to ward off (e.g. an attack); to fend off (e.g. a question); to elude; to evade; to dodge; to turn aside (e.g. a joke)
adverse circumstances; adversity
to overturn; to capsize; to overthrow (government etc.); to reverse (decision etc.); to disprove (an established theory etc.)
genuine; real; full-scale; full-blown; full-fledged; professional
first (of all); firstly; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
to hurry; to rush; to hasten; to make something happen sooner
meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention
attendance; presence; appearance
new; fresh; new item (e.g. customer, regulation); newly created object; new customer
depending on the situation; should time and circumstances permit
privilege; special favor; special favour; benefit; prerogative; perk
to interrupt; to obstruct (a view, someone's way, etc.); to block (light, wind, etc.); to intercept; to cut off