unskillful; poor; awkward; imprudent; untactful
to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to; to passively leave to someone else's facilities; to leave to take its natural course; to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim); to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
agreement; consent; same opinion; same view; same meaning
to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations); to affect; to take a toll; to strike home
practical; matter-of-fact; realistic; utilitarian; pragmatic
sensitivity; sensitiveness; sense (of ...)
ordinary person; member of the general public; non-celebrity
fixed; settled; constant; definite; uniform; regularized
typical; representative; archetypal; quintessential; stereotypical; model
refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; shapely; neatly; cleanly; without trouble; clearly
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
fault; weakness; flaw; crux (of a matter); difficult point; point of contention
doesn't amount to doing (something); not significant enough to require (something); unnecessary
repeatedly; over and over again; fully (e.g. understand); very much; very well
knowledge; awareness; consent; acceptance; forgiving; pardoning
(I) will; (I) shall; let's; (I) wonder (if); might it be (that); hey
baton (relay, orchestral conducting, etc.)
oh!; ah!; oh dear!; good grief!; dear me!; thank God!
it's my turn; the ball is in my court; it's up to me
presence; appearance; attendance; visit; going out
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
strict; close; precise; scrupulous
basis; foundation; grounds; authority
(random) guess; guesswork; shot in the dark; conjecture
astronomical observation; stargazing
abandoning (hope, plans); giving up
to knit one's brows (in discomfort, unease, disapproval, etc.); to raise one's eyebrows; to frown; to scowl
to raise an objection; to voice an opinion different from those of others
tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable
confused; disordered; faltered; incoherent; inconsistent
self-confidence; confidence (in oneself)
to thrust (something) into (something); to cram; to plunge into; to charge into; to delve into (a matter); to go into depth; to press (someone) about
there's no (other) way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; it's no use (doing); pointless; hopeless (person)
on the way; en route; in the middle of; midway; halfway
generally; in the main; (more or less) everything; all parts; ordinary; usual
scenery; scene; landscape
to make a lovely picture; to be perfect for a picture; picture-perfect; picturesque
being at one's wit's end; being (quite) at a loss (what to do)
mode (musical mode, mode of probability distribution, state of physical system); fashion
poor-quality; shoddy; unskillful; inexpert; unlucky