darkness; the dark; bewilderment; despair; hidden place; secrecy
to shut; to close; to block (a street, entrance, etc.); to shut in (with snow, ice, etc.); to shut off; to consume (with negative feelings)
scary; frightening; eerie; dreadful
as it is; as one likes; because; condition; state
to wait; to await; to look forward to; to depend on; to need
such; this sort of; like this
time; hour; occasion; case; chance; opportunity
unskillful; poor; awkward; imprudent; untactful
to move; to stir; to operate; to run; to make a move; to take action; to be touched
no good; not serving its purpose; hopeless; wasted; cannot; must not
assistance; help; aid; support; reinforcement
motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still; fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare); intently (e.g. listen, think); patiently (endure); stoically
wow!; oh!; yeah!; alright!; waah!; boohoo!
evening; night; dinner; evening meal; counter for nights
place; location; room; space; basho; wrestling tournament
near; close; close (in time); soon; close (relationship); friendly
chivalrous man who helps the weak and fights the strong; knight in shining armor; ruffians who act under the pretence of being chivalrous
to do nothing but; to spend all one's time doing
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
opposite side; other side; over there; that way; the other party; the other person
abandoned mine; disused mine
road; path; way; set of practices; Buddhist teachings; Taoism; modern administrative region of Japan (Hokkaido)
to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to lead to (a place); to get to; in the extreme case of; (arch.) to come
sometimes; occasionally; at times; seasonal; of the season; appropriate (for the season or occasion)
lapis lazuli; lapis lazuli (color); beryl; mall blue passerine bird (esp. the blue-and-white flycatcher and the Siberian blue robin, but also the red-flanked bluetail); glass
stretcher; litter (medical); gurney
to carry; to transport; to come; to go; to wield (a tool, etc.); to use
oxygen deficiency; oxygen shortage; lack of oxygen
noon; midday; daytime; lunch
lively; energetic; vigorously (jumping, flopping, etc.); piercing (e.g. sound); penetrating
particle used to indicate the speaker's hope, desire, wish, etc. (e.g. "it would be nice if ...", "I wish there were ...", etc.); emphatic particle; particle adding uncertainty
very; greatly; much; just about to; almost; very nearly
immediately; right away; at once; instantly
to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to locate; to find (e.g. something missing); to be used to seeing; to be familiar with
to receive; to take; to get somebody to do something; to have in one's pocket (a fight, match); to contract (a disease); to catch
by no means; never!; something unexpected; emergency; (arch.) currently; (arch.) for the time being
very good luck; excellent fortune
obedient; meek; docile; honest; frank; upfront (about one's feelings)
praise; admiration; commendation; approbation
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)
sure; certain; reliable; trustworthy; If I'm not mistaken; If I remember correctly