mouth; lips; shape of the mouth; near an entrance; vicinity of an entrance
a lick; one lick; engulfing (e.g. of fire); enveloping; consuming
to wait; to await; to look forward to; to depend on; to need
any; anything; whatever; I am told; I hear; I understand
image; figure; figure; form; image
for example; for instance; e.g.
than; other than; except; but
to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task; to be ready; to be completed; to be made; to be built; to be good at
wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason
pluralizing suffix (esp. for people and animals; formerly honorific)
absurd; unreasonable; excessive; very; extremely; excessively
to bear; to stand; to restrain; to control; to forgive; to put up with
to work out; to think out; to devise; to invent
art; craft; accomplishment; artistic skill; technique; performance
to eat; to live; to make a living; to bite; to sting (as insects do); to tease; to torment
on the bone (meat, etc.); unboned; skeletal system; skeleton
lump of meat; piece of flesh; human body
to sew; to stitch; to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)
to present; to submit; to tender; to hold out
to take; to pick up; to pass; to hand; to get; to obtain; to adopt (a method, proposal, etc.)
terrific; staggering; tremendous; frightful; ghastly; horrific
alone; by oneself; on one's own
qualifications; requirements; capabilities
successfully; nicely; (yummy) food; yum-yum
again; once more; a second time
to gnaw; to nibble; to bite; to dabble in; to have a smattering of
to start; to begin; to start up (a business, society, etc.); to open (e.g. a store); to start ...; to begin to ...
doing things at one's own pace (e.g. slower than others); doing things one's own way (esp. in an inconsiderate manner)
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case
to live; to exist; to make a living; to subsist; to be in effect; to be in use
cooked rice; meal; food; one's living; livelihood
to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.); to be blocked (road, pipe, nose, etc.); to be clogged; to shorten (width, interval, etc.); to shrink (shirt, word form, etc.); to be at a loss
come; come now; well; who knows; well now; let's see
voice; singing (of a bird); chirping (of an insect); voice; opinion (as expressed in words); sound; sense (of something's arrival)
to take (a resource, e.g. time or money); to hang; to come into view; to arrive; to come under (a contract, a tax); to start (engines, motors); to attend
originally; primarily; essentially; intrinsically; proper; rightful
purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
to come back (to); to return to a starting point