taking an examination (esp. school and university entrance)
large; big; great; prominent; -sized; as big as; university
success; passing (e.g. exam); eligibility
certain; sure; definite; reliable; sound; solid
to cut; to cut through; to sever (connections, ties); to turn off (e.g. the light); to terminate (e.g. a conversation); to hang up (the phone); to punch (a ticket)
suddenly (appear, stick out); abruptly; (stand) still and expressionless; imposingly; suddenly (stand up)
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
to stand up; to get up; to rise; to recover; to take action; to start; to make the initial charge
as (for); for; in the capacity of
considerably; fairly; quite
large build; large pattern
centimeter; centimetre; centi-; 10^-2; sentimental
to descend; to go down; to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.); to pass (of time); to surrender; to capitulate; to be less than
yes; yeah; huh?; what?; not; 's
isn't it?; let's ...; why don't we ...; how about we ...
sound of footsteps; sense or sign that something is approaching
to stand up; to put up; to thrust into; to bury into; to make (a noise); to start (a rumour); to make
cat (esp. the domestic cat, Felis catus); shamisen; geisha; wheelbarrow; clay bed-warmer; bottom; submissive partner of a homosexual relationship
carriage; poise; bearing; demeanor; movement (of the body)
motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still; fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare); intently (e.g. listen, think); patiently (endure); stoically
eye; eyeball; eyesight; sight; look; stare; notice
(confronting a problem, etc.) head-on; directly; outright; (lit.) from the front
now; soon; already; yet; further; more
one person; another name; nickname; alias
to fit; to get into; to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to fall into; to plunge into
pigtails; bunches; two ponytails; angel wings
student in a lower grade; underclassman
incomplete understanding; doubt; question; distrust; suspicion; strangeness
appearing that; seeming that; looking like; having the appearance of
until (a time); till; to (a place or person); as far as; to (an extent); up to
little girl; maiden; young lady; (arch.) female between 17 and 20 years old (ritsuryo period)
observation; survey; watching
to obey respectfully; to humble oneself; to sit straight (upright, respectfully, attentively)
before long; soon; almost; nearly; finally; in the end
to thrust before; to thrust at
to open one's mouth (to talk); to (start to) tell
he; she; this; this one; Hey, you!; You bastard!
spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
in the morning; during the morning
explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend
(in) the middle of; (in) the midst of; (in) the course of; (at) the height of
(not) at all; (not) in the slightest; wholly; entirely; extremely; very
to memorize; to memorise; to learn; to pick up; to feel; to think