to step on; to tread on; to set foot on (e.g. foreign soil); to stand on; to experience; to undergo; to follow (rules, principles, etc.)
to harden; to freeze; to put together; to collect; to make secure; to stabilize; to fortify
earth; soil; the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens); the ground; low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud); (period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the earth (in Onmyōdō)
to peel; to skin; to pare; to hull; to bare (e.g. fangs); to open wide (e.g. eyes)
the grass; grassy place (esp. with long dense grass)
to cover; to hide; to conceal; to wrap; to disguise
to inlay; to set; to stud (e.g. star-studded sky); to enchase (something) with; to mount (gems)
to be too numerous; to be too much
orderly; regular; systematic; well-organized; well-organised; trim
to line up; to set up; to enumerate; to itemize; to be equal (to); to compare well (with)
by any chance; (should) it happen (that); by some chance
shuddering; shivering; trembling; being horrified; being disgusted
now that you say that; now that you mention it
letter (of alphabet); character; writing
to mince; to cut fine; to carve; to engrave; to tick away (time); to beat out (e.g. rhythm); to etch (into one's mind)
flower; blossom; cherry blossom; beauty; blooming (esp. of cherry blossoms); ikebana; hanafuda
to offer; to sacrifice; to dedicate
head; lead; vanguard; first
to turn one's face; to turn around; to look over one's shoulder
to laugh; to smile; to sneer; to ridicule; to be dumbfounded; to be flabbergasted
just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; tolerably; passably; well...; I think...
at present; currently; so far; for now; for the time being
not caring; not giving a damn
to mind (negative nuance); to care about; to worry; to pay undue (amount of) attention to (something)
everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; politeness marker
still; as yet; (not) yet; more; (more) still; at least
to be due to; to be caused by; to depend on; to turn on; to be based on; to come from
to get mad; to be highly offended; to get pissed off; to get angry; to lose one's cool
more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; tentatively; for the time being; just in case; once
intention; plan; belief; assumption; estimate; estimation
long ago; already; a long time ago
glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles; judgment; judgement; discrimination
in accordance with; according to; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
suffix for familiar person
to chase; to run after; to pursue
to (dramatically) fall over; to fall flat
to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
to sigh; to breathe a sigh