sudden; abrupt; urgent; pressing; steep; sharp; rapid
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
(with) only the clothes one happens to wear
in the first place; to begin with; after all; anyway; beginning; start
to be accustomed to traveling (travelling)
bare minimum; minimum necessary (amount, number, etc.)
hand luggage; hand baggage
even; (if) only; just; besides; on top of that
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
safe; secure; certainly; surely; no thanks; I'm good
hey; you; hey; hey; hold on; yo
what; you-know-what; that thing; whatsit; whachamacallit; (not) at all; (not) in the slightest
need; want; necessity; costs; expenses
if it is the case that ...
opposite side; other side; over there; that way; the other party; the other person
to buy; to purchase; to value; to have a high opinion; to stir; to provoke
the expectation is that ...; the reason is that ...; the fact is that ...; the explanation is that ...; it is that ...
travel; trip; journey; excursion; tour
related to; in relation to; as far as ... is concerned
all; entire; whole; altogether
don't worry; no worries; never mind
of course; certainly; naturally
special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial
salary; pay; medical care; treatment; advance preparation
to take out; to get out; to put out; to reveal; to submit (e.g. thesis); to turn in; to publish
to undertake; to take on (task); to assure; to guarantee; to vouch (for)
one part; one portion; one section; one copy (e.g. of a document)
miser; niggard; cheapskate
banter; raillery; ridicule; teasing; making fun of
the more ... the more ...; as; (arch.) while; (arch.) during; (arch.) because; (arch.) since
noisy; loud; annoying; troublesome; fussy; finicky
to be (in contrast to something that is not the case)
to pay (e.g. money, bill); to brush off; to wipe away; to drive away (e.g. one's competitors); to sell off (something unneeded); to dispose of; to pay (e.g. attention)
doctrine; rule; principle; -ism
that's the way it is; yes; is that so?; is it?
counter; window; teller window; contact person; point of contact
arrangement; preparations; search (by police)
first class; first rank; one degree; one level; most; best
guest room (at a hotel); guest cabin (on a boat); passenger cabin (on a plane); drawing room
tatami mat (esp. as a measure of room size, either 1.82 sqm or 1.54 sqm)
room; chamber; apartment; flat; stable