stage (theatre, theater); scene or setting (e.g. of novel, play, etc.)
far; distant; distant (past); remote (in time); distant (relationship or kinship); having little to do (with someone); far (from something else in quality, degree, etc.)
mountain-dwelling robber; brigand
kind; sort; type; equal; match; peer
to end; to be finished; to die; to perish; to do utterly; to do completely
to ingest; to eat; to enter the mouth; to be able to eat
to ring; to sound; to be popular; to be esteemed; to state; to insist
bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry
chirp; twitter; warble; whale tongue
like; similar to; as with; in the same way
suddenly; unexpectedly; by chance; accidentally; lightly; nimbly
to listen carefully; to strain one's ears
nasal breathing; breathing through one's nose; person's pleasure; excitement
to rub against; to chafe; to quarrel
continually; continuously; incessantly; without interruption
wind; breeze; manner; behaviour; cold; influenza
to be noisy; to be astir; to rustle; to murmur
such things as ...; and ... and; the minute (that) ...; no sooner than ...; be; is; o
insect; bug; worm; roundworm; one's emotions; one's feelings; nervousness
cry (esp. animal); roar; chirp; tweet; bark; whine
to erase; to delete; to turn off (power); to switch off; to extinguish; to put out
to hold out; to extend (e.g. one's hands); to thrust (javelin); to offer (e.g. aid, help, etc.)
to carry; to transport; to come; to go; to wield (a tool, etc.); to use
something like ...; something called ...
safe; secure; certainly; surely; no thanks; I'm good
go that far; to that extent
to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a request)
to advance on; to close in; to march on; to descend on (the enemy); to move towards; to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.)
to resound; to be heard far away; to reverberate; to shake; to come (home); to remain (with someone)
to be found; to be discovered
probably isn't (doesn't, won't, etc.); don't (doesn't) intend to; intend not to; must not; (when used in an imperative sentence) don't
side (of something, or taking someone's side); part; (watch) case
to guide; to lead; to show the way; to derive; to deduce
behind; rear; after; later; remainder; the rest; more (e.g. five more minutes)
perhaps; probably; generous; many; much
persistent; obstinate; tenacious; relentless; insistent; importunate
no matter what it takes; by any means necessary; at all costs; by hook or by crook