strange; wonderful; weird; outrageous; mysterious
(common) soldier; rank and file; army; troops; warfare; strategy
pitiful; unfortunate; poor; unpardonable; regrettable
muzzling (a person); preventing (a person) from revealing something; silencing (a person); murdering (a person) to prevent them from revealing something
to kill with a sword (knife, dagger, etc.); to slay; to put to the sword
too much; excessively; too
to speak distinctly; to speak clearly; to put it bluntly; to get to the point; to be frank
at that time; in those days
hand; arm; forepaw; foreleg; handle; hand; worker
but; however; even; however; no matter how; ... or something; either ... or ...
to enter; to go into; to break into; to join; to enroll; to contain; to hold
unthinkable; unexpected; absolutely not!; far from it!; (it was) no bother at all; not at all
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that; to be the result (of); to be the outcome; to be the reason (for)
sneakily; secretly; stealthily; on the sly
to take away; to carry away
to make one's rounds; to patrol
grassy field; grassland; meadow; grass-covered plain; savannah; prairie
(Russian) maritime provinces
allied forces; the Allies (e.g. in WWII)
to fall down; to drop; to be omitted; to be missing; to decrease; to sink; to fail (e.g. exam or class)
pillage; plunder; looting; robbery
flame; blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g. love, jealousy, anger); passion
to expose (to the sun, public, danger, etc.); to bleach; to refine; to rinse (vegetables); to soak; to doxx
how; in what way; how about
disposal; throwing away; dealing with (a problem); measure; punishment; penalty
meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention
to open; to undo; to bloom; to unfold; to open (for business, e.g. in the morning); to be wide (gap, etc.); to widen
you (when referring to one's equals or inferiors)
beginning; start; first (in line, etc.); origin; such as ...; not to mention ...
two reams (of paper); 1000 sheets (of paper); stanza; verse; tribe (in taxonomy); forecast (bet); bet which predicts the top 2 finishers (i.e. quinella or perfecta bet)
et cetera; etc.; or something; the likes of; for example; for instance
dignitaries; very important persons; VIPs
massing (of troops); gathering
to memorize; to memorise; to learn; to pick up; to feel; to think
to be (animate); to be; to be; to (have the audacity to) do
to mutter; to murmur; to grumble; to tweet (Twitter)
in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as); hoping or wishing for something
like; similar to; as with; in the same way