it is ... that ...; precisely; although; while; it is precisely because ... that ...; only because ...
to take; to pick up; to pass; to hand; to get; to obtain; to adopt (a method, proposal, etc.)
should; must; -able; probably; likely
yes; yeah; hum; hmmm; oof
reliable; dependable; trustworthy; sure
to hide; to keep to oneself
rain and wind; driving rain
to expose (to the sun, public, danger, etc.); to bleach; to refine; to rinse (vegetables); to soak; to doxx
environment; circumstance
to break; to snap; to be injured; to wear out; to be worn out; to break; to burst
to fall down; to drop; to be omitted; to be missing; to decrease; to sink; to fail (e.g. exam or class)
for the first time; only after ... is it ...; only when ... do you ...; first time; (one's) first
to sleep; to die; to rest (in peace); to lie idle (e.g. of resources); to lie unused; (arch.) to close one's eyes
regular customer; regular patron; frequenter; constant companion
married couple; husband and wife; man and wife; his and hers; pair of objects, one larger (for man), one smaller (for woman)
inhabitant; resident; citizen; population
to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into
to be lacking in options; to be too few
popularity; public favor; condition (e.g. market); tone; character
ten; 10; ten years of age
front and rear; front and back; before and after; around; about; order; context
trade; business; commerce; occupation; calling; profession
doomed (business, trade, etc.); in a bad state; poor
but I suppose; it seems; probably; I guess
outsider; someone outside of a group
and yet; despite this; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless
extra; more; unnecessary; needless; all the more; even more
worry; concern; anxiety; care; help; aid
doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby); to embrace; to hug; to have (a thought or feeling); to hold; to harbour (suspicion, doubt, etc.)
question; inquiry; enquiry
by (means of); by doing; due to; via; through
riddle; puzzle; enigma; enigmatic; mysterious
to be solved; to be resolved; to loosen; to come untied; to be removed (of restrictions); to be lifted (e.g. a ban)
expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture
hitting the target; striking home; proving to be right; coming true; being on the mark
every month; each month; monthly
fixed; settled; constant; definite; uniform; regularized
amount of money; sum of money
that is to say; that is; in short; in brief; clogging; obstruction; shrinkage
guest; visitor; customer; client; counter for containers used to entertain guests
really; truly; indeed; good grief