to apologize; to apologise
trauma (usu. psychological)
to be hesitant; to feel timid
to touch; to come in contact with; to receive (e.g. visitor); to attend to; to receive (news); to get; to encounter
the opposite sex; isomerism
well then ...; in that situation; in which case
correction; rectification; mending; repair
to set up (a house, store, etc.); to build; to have at the ready (e.g. a gun); to hold in preparation (e.g. a camera); to adopt a posture; to assume a stance; to put on an air
lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy; well; fit
high spirits; boastful talk
to vomit; to throw up; to emit; to send forth; to give (an opinion); to make (a comment)
for a moment; for a minute; for a while; for some time; for the time being; for now
tightly (holding on); firmly; strongly (built); solidly; properly; well
first of all; at once; right away; for now; for the time being
a little; a bit; just a minute; for a moment; somewhat; rather; (not) easily
to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task; to be ready; to be completed; to be made; to be built; to be good at
always; all the time; never; usual; regular
rate; ratio; profit; assignment; 10%; unit of ten percent; match
care; looking after; trouble; bother; good offices; recommendation
extent; degree; limit; bounds; (span of) time; (a) distance; the state of
person of firm character; stable person; gutsy person
to be no match for (e.g. outclassed in authority, strength or in debt to); to be unable to act on an equal basis with
one way or another; in many ways; in various ways
being very busy; busyness
to succeed; to relieve; to take the place of; to substitute for; to be exchanged; to change (places with)
commuting to school; school commute
housework; domestic chores; family affairs; household matters
(the) whole; as a whole; in general; at large
to digest; to break down; to break to pieces; to be able to use; to be good at; to finish; to complete
to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over)
unworthy (of one's father, teacher, etc.); I; me; incompetent; unskilled; (arch.) unfortunate
great difference; major mistake
a-ha-ha (laughing loudly)
to be annoying; to be troublesome; to be a burden
it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit?
entirely useless; completely worthless; no no; don't!
same; identical; equal; anyway; anyhow; in either case
indicates reason or excuse; indicates dissatisfaction; indicates desire to be pampered or indulged
from now on; after this; in the future; from here; from this point
near; close; beside; vicinity; proximity; besides
amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic); full; one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat; fully; to capacity
to bother; to meddle; to poke one's nose (into another's business); to be too helpful
flushing (of one's cheeks); dizziness; rush of blood to the head