trampling down; overrunning; infringement; violation
plan; policy; means; fifth principle of the Eight Principles of Yong; right upward flick
completion; conclusion; perfect (tense, form, aspect)
prediction; prophecy; prognostication
based on; on the basis of
letter; missive; note; mail
lie; fib; mistake; error; unwise move; bad decision
very; extremely; terrible; horrid; remarkable; extraordinary
at leisure; in a relaxed manner; in a carefree manner; quietly; peacefully
hmm; well ...; humph; roughly; harshly; violently
which way; which direction; which one (esp. of two alternatives); who
at hand; on hand; way of moving one's arms; skill; money at hand; pocket money
in either case (used specifically in the instance of two possible outcomes or situations); either way; one way or another
ferocious; fierce; truculent; savage
carnivore; carnivorous animal
stern; grim; rough; rugged; forbidding; overbearing
number of days; period of days; daily interest rate
together; jointly; at the same time; with; both
to catch up (with); to draw level; to pull even; to be compensated; to make up for one's losses
joy; delight; rapture; pleasure; gratification; rejoicing
to be mixed; to be blended with; to be combined; to associate with; to mingle with; to interest
neck; head; dismissal; discharge
to knock down; to knock off
first-person plural (or singular); second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to)
rooting up (weeds, etc.); eradication; rooting out; stamping out
fifth day of the month; five days
to get tired of; to lose interest in; to be fed up with; to have enough
to repeat; to be frequent
because of; owing to; due to
one part; one portion; one section; one copy (e.g. of a document)
to collapse; to crumble; to get out of shape; to lose one's shape; to break down; to be thrown into disarray; to crash (stock market)
busy; occupied; hectic; restless; hurried; fidgety
on the way; en route; in the middle of; midway; halfway
ideally; if one were to wish for more
strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification