somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of
to mutter; to murmur; to grumble; to tweet (Twitter)
happy; glad; pleased; joyful; delightful; gratifying
thought; imagination; mind; desire; wish; love
to put one's life on the line; to risk one's life; to put everything one has into it
initiation into an art or discipline
to be given; to be granted; to be honored with; to give; to bestow; to confer
head; chief; merit; strong point; superiority; major
cane; walking stick; staff; wand
to touch; to feel; to touch (with); to experience; to come in contact with; to touch on (a subject); to allude to
variety; kind; type; counter for kinds, species, etc.
satisfaction; pride; one's strong point; one's forte; regular customer; regular client
primary colour; primary color; pure color; unmixed color; original color (of a painting, etc. as opposed to a reproduction)
present age; present day; today; modern era; modern times
system; lineage; ancestry; group (e.g. of colors) (colours); family (e.g. of languages); close (evolutionary) relationship
outside of; not covered by
to work out; to think out; to devise; to invent
to burn; to burn with (emotion, feeling); to be fired up
to manufacture; to produce; to raise (crops); to invent; to dream up; to create
clear; clear-cut; lucid; unequivocal; explicit
to ascend; to go up; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
to load (a gun, etc.); to charge; to put into (e.g. emotion, effort); to include (e.g. tax in a sales price); to hang over; to shroud
to sink; to go down; to pass away; to die; to disappear; to vanish
madder red; dark red; crimson
pointed end; tip; point; forefront; vanguard; spearhead
compression; condensation; constriction; compaction
heaven and earth; the universe; top and bottom; gods of heaven and earth
widely; extensively; far and wide; everywhere; all around; generally
to shine on; to illuminate; to compare (with); to refer to
sphere; counter for balls
quantity of heat (e.g. in calories, BTU, etc.); heat value; calorific value; (degree of) enthusiasm; zeal; passion
eternity; perpetuity; permanence; immortality
flame; blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g. love, jealousy, anger); passion
condensation (of ideas, emotions, etc.); condensation (of a vapour or gas)
blue; azure; green; green light (traffic); black (horse coat color); blue 5-point card; immature
-itis (indicating an inflammatory disease)
gold (Au); golden; prosperous; money (esp. ōban coin); cash