to draw (a line); to demarcate; to mark; to plan
distance in a straight line
some; few; somewhat; to a certain extent; (arch.) many; (arch.) a lot
wing; Chinese "Wings" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (arch.) counter for birds or bird wings
rapidly; vigorously; by leaps and bounds; steadily
slowly (but steadily); gradually; irritatedly; impatiently; scorchingly (of the sun); sizzling (i.e. sound of frying in oil); sound of a warning bell, alarm clock, etc.
to pull apart; to separate; to have a lead over; to pull ahead of; to outdistance
pursuit (of a fleeing enemy); chase
chasing too far; pursuing relentlessly
ambush; troops in ambush; unexpected opposition; unexpected obstacle
to insert; to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to have sex; to fuck; to pigeonhole (into a particular category); to place a ring-shaped object around something (esp. one that restricts freedom, such as handcuffs)
quite; very; 10^48; quindecillion
to turn back; to go back; to come back; to return; to retrace one's steps
twice; again; second time
volley firing; fusillade; broadside
range (of a rifle, missile, etc.)
comfort; ease; easy; simple; (economically) comfortable; raku pottery
to steal; to rob; to deceive; to trick; to graze (in passing); to skim; to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.)
sense of impending crisis; sense of danger
retreat; falling back; recession; waning; backspace (key)
fixed; settled; constant; definite; uniform; regularized
gaining time; stalling for time; time-buying
very; greatly; much; just about to; almost; very nearly
oneself; oneself; for oneself; personally
exhaustion; consumption; using up; dissipation; waste
being out of time; passing the deadline; time-out
storey; story; stairs; stage (in chronostratigraphy); counter for storeys and floors of a building
to encamp; to take up positions
Yatagarasu (mythical raven who aided Emperor Jimmu on his eastern expedition); three-legged crow inhabiting the sun in Chinese mythology
positioning; getting a position; taking a position
to rank next to; to come after
Mr.; Mrs.; makes a word more polite (usu. in fixed expressions); state; situation
to forge; to temper; to drill; to train; to discipline
to be inferior to; to be less good at; to fall behind
grounding (in a skill or subject); knowledge; training; achievements; attainments; accomplishments
nonexistent; nil; none; nothing (at all); bugger-all