a lot; plenty; abundant; exaggerated; grandiose
darkness; the dark; bewilderment; despair; hidden place; secrecy
appropriate; suitable; proper; fitting
to need; to demand; to take; to require
Saturday; earth; dirt; land; lands; earth (third of the five elements)
attribute; property; context; character class, type, fetish, etc.
stone; jewel; precious stone; flint (in a lighter); stone (in go); stone (in the bladder, kidney etc.); calculus
to shoot (arrow, bolt, dart)
line; stripe; line (e.g. telephone line); wire; ray (e.g. X-ray); beam; line (e.g. of a railroad)
to turn away (one's eyes, face, etc.); to avert; to displease; to annoy; to miss (the target, ball, etc.)
consciousness; becoming aware (of); awareness; mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information)
to prick; to stab; to poke; to prod; to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with
method; manner; appearance; air; tendency; folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
course; route; course (of study); program; lane (in running, swimming, etc.); course (of action); policy
to erase; to drown out (e.g. a voice); to make disappear
good performance; good work; great success
degree of perfection; level of completion; degree of completion
sweeping with fire; mowing down; strafing
to become weak; to decline; to wear; to abate; to decay; to wither
useless; no good; hopeless
left and right; right and left; (asserting) control; influence; one's attendants; people accompanying one
to peep (through); to peek; to await (one's chance); to guess; to infer
every person; each one; everybody
several people; a few people
protection; defense; providence; amulet; charm
principal occupation; main job; professional; an expert; I (of a government official, etc.); me
gunfight; exchange of shots; firefight
having one's hands full; not having any room to do more; at the limit
(providing) covering fire; supporting (backing up) someone (in a debate or argument)
simultaneous; all at once
fighting back; returning fire; counter-attack; responding to an attack; accepting a challenge
at present; currently; so far; for now; for the time being
to check; to stop; to keep back
state; condition; the way things should be; ideal state; truth
emergency; extraordinary; unusual
impossible; incapable (of doing); incompetence; inability; impotence; having no solution (of an equation)
half; 50%; tie; 5 parts; 5%
exchange; interchange; switching; reciprocity; barter; substitution
master (of a house, shop, etc.); husband; sir; boss; patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddy