to turn up; to make an appearance; to put in an appearance; to drop by
goddamn idiot; moron; nitwit
wrong direction; different direction (from what one expected)
shout of abuse; jeers; boos
violence; assault; rough (e.g. handling); reckless; rape; sexual assault
to emit; to spout; to spurt; to boil over
re-; again; repeated; deutero-; deuto-; deuter-
common occurrence; everyday occurrence; not an uncommon case; normal thing; everyday affair
failed attempt (at a crime, suicide, etc.)
to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish
everyone; anyone; no one; nobody
shaking; trembling; pitching; disturbance; unrest; agitation
to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to be washed away; to be carried; to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire)
needle; pin; hook; stinger; thorn; hand (e.g. clock, etc.); pointer
to advance; to go forward; to precede; to go ahead (of); to make progress; to improve; to deepen
to fall to one's knees; to go down on one's knees (e.g. to express respect)
to sit down (and refuse to move); to sit-in (in protest)
opposite side; opposition
safe; secure; certainly; surely; no thanks; I'm good
to erase; to drown out (e.g. a voice); to make disappear
seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of
row; line; company (of someone); group; sequence; counter for rows
to interrupt; to obstruct (a view, someone's way, etc.); to block (light, wind, etc.); to intercept; to cut off
before I knew it; next thing you know; when I came to
pain; ache; soreness; damage; injury; wear
to raise; to bring to (someone's attention); to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.); to work on (one's emotions); to complain; to sue (a person)
to skin (one's knee); to graze; to scratch
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of; form; style
blood; blood; ancestry; (the) blood; feelings
to run (of liquid); to spread; to blur; to blot; to ooze; to well up (of tears, etc.)
all; completely; totally; entirely; thoroughly
to take back; to regain; to get back; to recover
absentmindedness; peace of mind
people; men and women; each person; everybody
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed