to taste; to eat; to drink; to speak (of); to refer (to); to say
already; now; no longer; not any more
let me see; well; errr ...; uhh ...
number (in a series); (one's) turn; watch; guard; rank; standing; bout
hey; you; hey; hey; hold on; yo
yikes!; eek!; ook; eek; customer
calm; serenity; tranquillity; tranquility
to dress (oneself in); to attire oneself in; to adorn; to pretend; to feign; to affect
while; during; while; although; all; both
inside one's heart; in one's mind
scream; shriek; shout; exclamation
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
new; novel; fresh; recent; latest; up-to-date
on the way; en route; in the middle of; midway; halfway
order; turn; sorting; obedient; docile; submissive
to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish
natural; right; proper; naturally; as a matter of course; rightly
next; following; subsequent; stage; station
excessive self-consciousness; excessively self-conscious person
misunderstanding; mistaken idea; wrong guess
to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone); to begin to talk; to start a conversation
to give; to let (one) have; to give; to do for one; to take the trouble to do; to do to someone's disadvantage
somewhere; anywhere; in some respects
feeling; sensation; preparedness; readiness; thought; sentiment
for the first time; only after ... is it ...; only when ... do you ...; first time; (one's) first
shame; embarrassment; disgrace
something like ...; something called ...
to taste; to savor; to appreciate; to enjoy; to experience; to go through
assertion; declaration; affirmation
so far; up to now; hitherto; that's enough (for today); it ends here
leading part; leading actor; leading actress
to reach; to amount to; to be up to the task; to come up to; to compare with; to be a match (for)
drama; play; powerful drug
one person; being alone; being by oneself; being single; being unmarried; by oneself
to flub (one's lines); to be flustered; to be confused; to bungle; to mess up
time; hour; occasion; case; chance; opportunity
notebook; copy-book; note; noting down; (musical) note; laptop (computer)
have to (verb); must (verb); is indispensable; absolutely necessary
to make noise; to make racket; to rustle; to swoosh; to make merry; to clamor; to clamour
after (a long process); at the end of; last line (of a renga)
this; this one; this person; now; this point (in time); here; used to stress the subject of a sentence
embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; disgraceful; shameful