as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
to arrange beforehand; to make a sign to each other; to conspire
ingenious; skillful; clever; deft
ceiling; ceiling price; (price) ceiling
to cling to; to stick to; to lie flat (e.g. on the ground)
to spread; to extend; to unfold; to open; to scatter about; to spread around
gliding (through the air)
to continue; to keep up; to keep on
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
to pay (e.g. money, bill); to brush off; to wipe away; to drive away (e.g. one's competitors); to sell off (something unneeded); to dispose of; to pay (e.g. attention)
fellow; guy; thing; object; he; she
first (of all); firstly; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
inner thoughts; real intention; at heart; deep down; inner center (centre)
to chuckle to oneself; to gloat (over)
to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
(with a) start; fright; alarm; creaking; cracking; snapping
to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to locate; to find (e.g. something missing); to be used to seeing; to be familiar with
and; besides; because; since; the thing is; for one thing
nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may
these guys; these fellows
I wonder; do you think?; I might; some kind; some stage; somehow
abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning
to slip into; to crawl into (under); to conceal oneself (under); to sneak into; to infiltrate
no sooner than; as soon as; immediately after; at the thought of; when I think about
drumming (noise); beating; rapidly; quickly; continuously; one after the other
master; Your lordship; My lord; husband
to neglect; to leave undone; to lay aside
(I) will; (I) shall; let's; (I) wonder (if); might it be (that); hey
along; parallel to; in accordance with
goal; target; aim; mark; sign; landmark
to chase; to run after; to follow (a set order, a trend, etc.); to drive out; to get rid of; to drive (e.g. a herd)
mouth; opening; hole; mouth (of a bottle); spout; gate; door
having said that; be that as it may
honorific/polite/humble prefix; honorific suffix
devotion; attachment; infatuation
(one's) whereabouts; destination; where one is headed; outcome; course (of events); future
to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause); to pin down; to ascertain; (arch.) to stab to death
already; now; no longer; not any more