to do; to carry out; to cause to become; to make (into); to serve as; to act as; to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
direction; orientation; bearing; course (e.g. of action)
to throw; to hurl; to give up; to abandon; to cast (a glance, shadow, doubt, etc.)
instant; moment; for an instant
to be (of animate objects); to exist; to stay; to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
artificial product; man-made product; fiction; made-up story; decoration (e.g. for a festival); theatrical prop (esp. a large prop in noh or kyogen, e.g. tree, well, boat)
genuine article; real thing; real deal
to live; to exist; to make a living; to subsist; to be in effect; to be in use
delivering an order; dispatch of an order; messenger; orderly; runner
cavalry; cavalryman; trooper
armor and helmet (armour)
to wear; to be dressed in; to have on
to place on (something); to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to load (luggage); to carry; to send out (on the airwaves, etc.); to deceive
government official; clerk
moving about in confusion; going every which way; going this way and that
yikes!; eek!; ook; eek; customer
to dislocate one's back; to be unable to stand up due to fear or surprise
to throw; to fling; to heave; to toss
document; official papers
box; case; car (of a train, etc.); shamisen case; shamisen; public building; community building
inside; interior; among; within; middle; center; during
like; similar to; as with; in the same way
to dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about; to revolve
straight (ahead); direct; upright; straightforward; honest; frank
this way; this direction; here; this (one); I; me
to push on; to plunge forward; to push one's way to
to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to come back; to do ... and come back; to come to be; to become
(not) a single person; (no) one
to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to put on (e.g. a blanket); to put on top of; to put on (glasses, etc.); to wear (a necklace, etc.); to make (a call)
skillful; skilful; adroit; clever; shrewd; ingenious
to avoid (physical contact with); to avoid (situation); to ward off; to avert; to put aside; to move out of the way
no; nay; well; er; you're welcome; not at all
riding (on horseback); mounting (a horse)
(one's) handling of the reins; how well one controls things
exquisite; superb; perfect; miraculous
it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ...; did not ...
to sit down (and refuse to move); to sit-in (in protest)
panic; scare; alarm; panic; financial panic
to cause; to induce; to bring about a result or state; to produce
in that way; thus; so; so?