carelessly; thoughtlessly; inadvertently
to persevere; to persist; to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion); to remain in a place; to stick to one's post
next; following; subsequent; stage; station
to rouse anger; to provoke wrath; to offend
market price; speculation (e.g. on stocks); reputation (according to conventional wisdom); estimation
mysterious phenomenon; weird phenomenon; paranormal phenomenon
(with a) start; fright; alarm
cleaning; sweeping; dusting; scrubbing
to mind (negative nuance); to care about; to worry; to pay undue (amount of) attention to (something)
rushing into; breaking into; storming; plunging into (war, etc.); embarking on (a new venture)
flurried; flustered; upset; nervous; embarrassed
prohibition on women entering (usu. for religious reasons); no female admission
nothing; naught; nought; un-; non-
from here; from this place
in appearance; to look at; judging from appearances
all; completely; totally; entirely; thoroughly
correspondence (to); equivalence; suitability; coordination; dealing with; coping with
to go out and away; to leave
yikes!; eek!; ook; eek; customer
to touch; to feel; to get involved (with); to approach; to be harmful to; to hinder
transformation; abnormality; sexual perversion; pervert; metamorphosis; transformation
area; domain; territory; field; range; region
to be coming; to be popular; to be fashionable; to be angry; to have blown one's lid
to approach; to draw near
(kicking and) struggling; wriggling; floundering; to get into a panic; to make a fuss; to make a scene
to grow restive; to begin to act violently
sacred precincts; sanctuary; consecrated ground; issue that is regarded as being off-limits; matter that is not up for discussion
to stop (plug) one's ears
order; command; decree; (software) instruction; statement
to be stunned; to be surprised; (lit.) one's eyes turn into dots (like a cartoon character)
somebody who has wild fantasies; someone who hears voices; someone who is crazy
to marry (of a woman); to become a bride; to marry into (a family)
serious; earnest; real sword (as opposed to a wooden practice weapon)
to stab; to thrust (into); to plant (in the ground); to stick upright
to get (a joke or explanation); to strike home; to click; to know intuitively
tensely; tightly; erectly; intuitively; instinctively; with a burst