flute; fife; pipe; whistle
calling repeatedly (e.g. someone's name); pronouncing successively (usu. repeating a syllable with voicing, as in "tsuzuku")
first of all; at once; right away; for now; for the time being
relation; relationship; participation; involvement; influence; effect
when it comes to ...; where ... is concerned; if it's the case that ...; if it turns out that ...; if it's true that ...
bad; poor; poor (quality); inferior; evil; sinful; ugly
entry (on stage); appearance (on screen); entrance; introduction (into a market)
way; method; means; resource; course
bitter smile; wry smile; strained laugh; sarcastic laugh
please; I beg you; for mercy's sake
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of ...ing; form; style
to urge; to encourage; to press; to stimulate (e.g. growth); to hasten (e.g. development); to quicken
motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still; fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare); intently (e.g. listen, think); patiently (endure); stoically
to stare at; to gaze at; to look hard at; to watch intently; to fix one's eyes on
to be overcome with emotion
conspicuously; noticeably; remarkably; especially; particularly
big; large; loud; extensive; spacious; important
what is to be done?; what should (I) do?; what (am I) to do?
there; that situation; that occasion; the spot (i.e. "on the spot"); immediately; then and there
for a short while; for a while; for some time; for the time being
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
to open one's mouth (to talk); to (start to) tell
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
again; once more; a second time
idiot; moron; trivial matter; folly; stupid; foolish
to throw away; to cast away; to abandon; to desert; to give up; to resign
painful; heartrending; trying; oppressive; suffocating; miserable
thought; imagination; mind; desire; wish; love
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
to exhaust one's vocabulary (in trying to persuade somebody or explain something, etc.); to run out of words; to be verbose; to cajole; to talk someone's head off
to also be (implies that as well as the earlier stated this is also the case); to be ... or something
to fall down; to drop; to be omitted; to be missing; to decrease; to sink; to fail (e.g. exam or class)
that; the matter in question
to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing; to be used up; to be run out; to disappear (e.g. pain); to be lost (e.g. a dream, confidence)
bewilderment; perplexity; embarrassment; discomfiture; bafflement
chattering; talk; idle talk; chatty; talkative; chatterbox
timidly; nervously; with nervous diffidence; trembling with fear
-ness; indicates assertion; come; come now
I see; that's right; indeed
next; following; subsequent; stage; station
promise; agreement; convention; rule; destiny; fate
to suddenly understand (esp. on basis of experience or memory); to come to mind; to recall (in a flash); to be reminded of; to call to mind; to think of