efforts; exertion; endeavour; assistance; services
cooperation; coordination; link
to deepen; to heighten; to intensify
appeal; call for something; request; axiom
opposite; opposition; versus; vs.; to (e.g. "winning a game five to three"); equal footing
the rest; the others; in addition (to that); besides that; and so forth; and the like
to use somebody's (argument, attack) against them
to apply pressure (on); to bring pressure upon; to lean on
bloodstained; bloody; covered with blood
sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
to cause to swell; to inflame
to split; to tear; to burst; to be separated; to be divided
to discharge (e.g. effluent)
to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.); to force oneself into (e.g. a crowd); to wedge oneself into; to fall below (of stock prices, sales, etc.); to drop below
to grab (someone) by the collar; to size (someone) by the lapels
to have a (rough) idea (of what the situation is)
later on; subsequently; by and by; after a while
to bend backwards; to bend oneself back; to be taken aback
to dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about; to revolve
sticking to; clinging to; adhesion; cohesion; agglutination
assault; outrage; act of violence; rape; sexual assault
full particulars; the whole story; from beginning to end
to shiver; to shake; to quake; to tremble; to quaver; to quiver
to pressure; to put pressure (on); to press
threat; bird-scaring device (scarecrow, gun, etc.)
safety zone; buffer (e.g. against defeat)
severe; strict; tough; hard
to intimidate; to frighten; to scare; to threaten (e.g. peace); to jeopardize; to endanger
to throw oneself (into an activity)
to burn completely; to consume (by fire); to burn to nothing; to burn to the ground; to reduce to ashes
far away; distant place; long ago; far back; by far
scaffold; scaffolding; foothold; footing; foothold (e.g. in business); foundation
to chip (off); to shave (off); to slice (off); to dampen (e.g. enthusiasm); to discourage; to weaken
to yield; to give in; to bend (knee, etc.); to subdue; to overpower; (arch.) to feel down
extension; elongation; prolongation; Enchō era (923.4.11-931.4.26)
to die; to pass away; to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to cease; to stop
to collect one's thoughts; to gather one's thoughts; to put one's ideas in order
purposely (of something needless, unexpected or seemingly counterproductive, etc.); daringly (doing something); not necessarily; not particularly; (arch.) definitely not
otherwise; if not; or else
self-confidence; confidence (in oneself)
several people; a few people
to work; to labor; to function; to operate; to commit (e.g. a crime); to perpetrate