seems; I think; I guess; don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!
at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion
to throw violently against; to slam against; to strike; to thrust at someone (e.g. a letter)
like; similar to; (I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); feels like; feels similar to
very low frequency sound; heavy bass sound; low-register sound
together with; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
ear; hearing; edge; crust; selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics); selvage
eerie; hair-raising; exaggerated; ostentatious
to follow; to accompany; to cleave to; to join up with; to obey implicitly; to flatter
fury; frenzy; madness; wildness
place; spot; field; discipline; occasion; situation; scene (of a play, movie, etc.)
to break into song; to burst into song; to begin singing
place; spot; address; district; area; one's house; point
before one knows; before one becomes aware of; unnoticed; unawares
conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover
bloodstained; bloody; covered with blood
facial expression; countenance; look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
lower part; foot; lower direction; left part of the stage (audience's or camera's POV); stage right (actor's POV)
wedding reception banquet
terrible; dreadful; terrifying; surprising; startling; tremendous
to be full of (e.g. adventure, youth, energy); to be overflowing with
suddenly; all of a sudden
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
to run; to run (of a vehicle); to drive; to rush (to); to dash; to retreat; to flee
sharp pain; acute pain; intense pain
whole (body); full-length (e.g. portrait); systemic
to go through; to pierce; to run through (e.g. a river through a city); to pass through; to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.); to carry out
stomach; Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart)
bad feeling; feeling bad; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross
lump; mass; group; crowd; embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.); personification
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
just (now, at the moment, etc.); just as; in the act of; as soon as; at the moment that
breast; chest; pit of the stomach; solar plexus; epigastrium
to see; to look; to examine; to look over; to look after; to attend to; to experience
unbelievable; incredible; implausible
to pierce through; to stand (of something sharp or pointy); to thrust (up)