old; aged; long; since long ago; of the distant past; long-ago
news; word; tidings; omen
armor and helmet (armour)
to wear extra clothes; to dress formally
more and more; all the more; at last; finally; (at the) last moment; worst possible time
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
red; crimson; red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange); Red (i.e. communist); red light (traffic); red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red
blue dragon (an auspicious creature in Chinese mythology); Azure Dragon (god said to rule over the eastern heavens)
together; abreast; side-by-side
long and large; tall and large; grand; huge
to hold (in one's hand); to take (into one's hand); to own; to obtain
pointed end; tip; point; forefront; vanguard; spearhead
three-pronged fork; trident; trifurcate; three-pronged; three-way (e.g. outlet)
to break; to be smashed; to split; to crack; to be divided (opinion, vote, etc.); to split (e.g. of a party); to come to light
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
younger brother; little brother; brother-in-law (spouse's younger brother or younger sister's husband); (arch.) pupil; (arch.) apprentice
honorific/polite/humble prefix; honorific suffix
general; admiral; head; chief; old chap; mate
proximity; nearness; soon; nearby
seat; location (of a gathering, etc.); place; position; post
participation; joining; entry; adherence
deep; profound; dense; thick; close (relationship); intense; strong
immersing oneself in; being absorbed in; devoting oneself to; giving oneself up entirely to
contrary to expectations; or so we thought, but ...
half; 50%; tie; 5 parts; 5%
quiet; silent; slow; unhurried; calm; peaceful
to breathe while sleeping
to recall; to remember; to recollect
another; one more; not quite; not very good; lacking
query; interrogation; enquiry; question; inquiry
particular; special; (not) particularly; (not) especially
to use; to make use of; to utilize; to utilise
simply; merely; only; solely
to shoot (at); to attack; to defeat; to destroy
dot; spot; mark (in an exam, etc.); grade; point (in a game); score; point (in geometry)
confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation
helmet (of a warrior); headpiece
to put on (one's head); to wear; to be covered with (dust, snow, etc.); to pour (water, etc.) on oneself; to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.); to take (blame); to overlap (e.g. sound or color)
virile; tough; masculine; intense
feather decoration; plume
plausible; believable; solemn; dignified; serious