man; male; fellow; guy; male lover; boyfriend
criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
look like; sound like; savor of; smack of
literally; to the letter; literal
to bark; to howl; to howl (e.g. of the wind); to roar; to yell; to cry
half-human, half-beast; therianthropic
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; so to speak
fantastic; grotesque; strange-looking; suspicious-looking
goblin; apparition; monster; ghost; phantom; spectre
society; the world; the times
sometimes; occasionally; at times; seasonal; of the season; appropriate (for the season or occasion)
-like; sort of; similar to; resembling
normal; ordinary; normally; ordinarily; local train; train that stops at every station
to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs); to produce; to yield; to give rise to
tool; implement; means; furniture
as (i.e. in the role of); for (i.e. from the viewpoint of); apart from... (used to change the topic); even (e.g. "not even a single person"); thinking that...; trying to...
to palm off; to force a sale
emergency; extraordinary; unusual
to like; to love; to be fond of
commencing with; including
every conceivable; every single; every possible; all kinds of
beginning; outset; first; onset
that is to say; that is; in short; in brief; clogging; obstruction; shrinkage
to attack; to assail; to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.); to make a sudden visit
conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation
at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion
weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled; weak (wine)
human being; human; person; character (of a person)
to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe
to be able (to); to be possible (to)
result; consequence; coming to fruition; bearing fruit; as a result; consequently
to live; to exist; to make a living; to subsist; to be in effect; to be in use
many; much; majority (of); greater part (of); mostly; mainly
for; for the sake of; to one's advantage; because of; as a result of
this is why; this means; it is the case that