furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
next; following; subsequent; stage; station
year; age; years; past one's prime; old age
to fade (of a colour); to grow dull in color (colour); to lose vividness; to lose freshness; to grow stale
most; highest; maximum; best; wonderful; finest
living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood
love; love-making; passion; emotion; affections
something heard for the first time; hearing something for the first time
consent; assent; agreement; understanding; comprehension; grasp
to cut into (a conversation); to interject
to look down on; to treat with contempt; to treat disparagingly; to sneer at
to float; to set afloat; to show on one's face (smile, sadness, etc.); to recall; to call to mind
sweet-tasting; sweet; fragrant (smelling); sweet (music); lightly salted; light in salt; naive
concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial
query; interrogation; enquiry; question; inquiry
to wait; to await; to look forward to; to depend on; to need
only; merely; approximately; about; just (finished, etc.); as if to; (as though) about to
bag; satchel; briefcase; basket
hand; arm; forepaw; foreleg; handle; hand; worker
to thrust (something) into (something); to cram; to plunge into; to charge into; to delve into (a matter); to go into depth; to press (someone) about
adds force or indicates command
for example; for instance; e.g.
expressly; especially; taking the trouble (to do); intentionally; deliberately
preparation; arrangements; provision; getting ready; laying out (e.g. a meal)
to take out; to produce; to pick out; to fetch; to retrieve
prefix for forming ordinal numbers
nine times; twisting around many times
to engrave an inscription; to call (designate) itself; to mark; to label
possibly; apparently; (seem) likely; somehow or other; with difficulty; barely
to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish
special number; special issue
publication; issue (of journal, newspaper, etc.); issue (of banknotes, bonds, passport, etc.); raising an event (software)
is something that; is that which
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which