I wonder; should I?; is it?; I wish that; I hope that
this; this one; this person; now; this point (in time); here; used to stress the subject of a sentence
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
girl; daughter; baby girl; young woman
meddling; interference; extending a paw to drag something closer; (arch.) hand; (arch.) arm; (arch.) disfigured arm
to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to put on (e.g. a blanket); to put on top of; to put on (glasses, etc.); to wear (a necklace, etc.); to make (a call)
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion
considerably; fairly; quite
for example; for instance; e.g.
first (of all); firstly; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
early summer; fourth month of the lunar calendar
(in the) neighbourhood; neighborhood; around; about; for instance; say
to have troubles; to have concerns
to laugh; to smile; to sneer; to ridicule; to be dumbfounded; to be flabbergasted
one's true feelings and one's official stance (which may be at odds); one's real motive and one's stated reason
to go around; to return; to surround; to concern (usu. of disputes)
trouble; burden; nuisance; care; dependence; support
incident; affair; happening; event
to roll up; to enfold; to swallow up; to involve; to drag into
noon; midday; daytime; lunch
to ask; to inquire; to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to care about; to regard as important
forcibly; against one's will
to pin down; to knock down; to push (and hold) somebody down (esp. with sexual connotations)
clear; obvious; evident; bright; light
accident; incident; trouble; circumstances; reasons
should (be); bound (to be); nock (of a bow); nock (of an arrow); nock-shaped grip (between thumb and forefinger); wooden frame on the tip of the mast of a Japanese ship that prevents the hawser from falling out
psychological description
big; large; drastic; full-width cloth (approx. 72 cm wide for traditional Japanese clothing; approx. 140 cm wide for Western clothing)
seasoning; flavour; flavor
via; through; by doing; by means of; using
as if; as it were; as though; right then; just then; at that moment
mean; contemptible; despicable; dirty; foul; cowardly
animal or carnal desires; lust
regrettable; vexing; upsetting; unthinkable; wholly unexpected
charge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk
once; before; formerly; never yet; never before; first time
self-satisfaction; rejoicing
best regards; please take care of; please do
doing; in such a state; doing together; doing to each other; familiarizing suffix (sometimes meaning "small")