seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of
a little; a bit; just a minute; for a moment; somewhat; rather; (not) easily
how; in what way; how about
joint (knee, elbow, etc.)
winding; meandering; wriggling; wiggling; waving; swaying
living thing; living creature; animal; life
as (i.e. in the role of); for (i.e. from the viewpoint of); apart from... (used to change the topic); even (e.g. "not even a single person"); thinking that...; trying to...
to permit; to allow; to forgive; to pardon; to exempt (someone) from; to remit; to acknowledge
good; excellent; sufficient; enough; profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
level; standard; level (plane); floor; spirit level; (surveyor's) level
to set free; to let go; to release; to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get away
my; one's own; personal; privately owned
daughter; girl (i.e. a young, unmarried woman)
party (political); person who is fond of; fan of
to fly; to soar; to jump; to leap; to spatter; to scatter; to hurry
yikes!; eek!; ook; eek; customer
bad feeling; feeling bad; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross
physiological; physical; visceral; instinctive; in one's guts
to accept; to receive (an application); to (be able to) take (food, medicine, etc.); to bear; to be affected by; to take damage from
bonds (between people); (emotional) ties; relationship; tether; fetters
common sense; good sense; common knowledge; general knowledge; common practice; accepted practice
physical law; laws of physics
rough; crude; sloppy; miscellaneous
to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
to wrap up; to pack; to cover; to envelop; to conceal (a feeling); to hide
to divulge one's true feelings; to open one's heart
yes; that is correct; um; errr; huh?; grrr
truth; reality; proper; right; genuine; authentic
since some time ago; for some time; for quite a while
I wonder; should I?; is it?; I wish that; I hope that
that's the way it is; such is life
to take good care of; to treasure; to value; to hold dear; to prize; to cherish
no good; not serving its purpose; hopeless; wasted; cannot; must not
(a) little; somewhat; somehow
cruel; heartless; violent; intense; very bad; terrible
is something that; is that which
what!; oh; what the heck; what the; damn
this; this one; this person; now; this point (in time); here; used to stress the subject of a sentence
to get up; to rise; to wake up; to be awake; to occur (usu. of unfavourable incidents); to happen
eye; eyeball; eyesight; sight; look; stare; notice
understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
vacantly; blankly; openmouthed; with one's mouth wide-open; with a whack; with a thump
to open one's mouth (to talk); to (start to) tell