suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
management; administration; cutting up and serving food; cut and fill (e.g. earthwork)
to lose (through death) (e.g. wife, child)
recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
liquor-soaked; continuous drinking; daily drinking; binge drinking
smoky; awkward; ill at ease
to cause trouble (for someone); to annoy; to bother; to inconvenience
tedious; boring; being fed up with
to disappear into; to slip into; to be lost in; to be mixed up with
to distribute; to hand out; to deliver; to allot; to allocate; to place (staff, soldiers, etc.)
to buy up; to lay in a stock; to stock up; to buy a lot
nightclothes; nightwear; sleepwear; pyjamas; pajamas; nightgown
the rest; the others; in addition (to that); besides that; and so forth; and the like
astringent; bitter; austere; elegant (and unobtrusive); sour (look); glum
translation; version (e.g. "English version")
last night; yesterday evening
opposite side; bottom; rear; back; lining; inside; in the shadows
alley; alleyway; teahouse garden; path through a gate (or through a garden, etc.)
discovery; detection; finding
death; mortality; to die; to pass away
heart attack; to have a heart attack
that is to say; so that means
just past noon; afternoon
ashes (of the deceased); remains from cremation
combination; union; incorporation; congruence
to put in order; to arrange; to get ready; to prepare; to work out (e.g. business deal); to arrange (e.g. marriage)
to plant; to grow; to insert; to transplant; to inoculate (e.g. an infectious agent); to instill (idea, value, etc.)
levelling of ground (for construction); preparation of soil (for planting)
rest area; rest stop; service area (next to a highway); service station; parking area
here and there; in places
to be erected; to be built
party; group; troop; one act; one action; one deed
white clothes; white robe; white gown (worn by doctors, chemists, etc.); commoner without rank (in ancient China); layperson
cleaning; sweeping; dusting; scrubbing
laborer; labourer; blue-collar worker
teacher; instructor; sensei; title or form of address for a teacher, master, doctor, lawyer, etc.; intimate or teasing form of address; (arch.) one's elder
before; previously; ahead; Pardon me for leaving (before you)
proof; testimony; demonstration; verification; certification