certain; sure; doubtless; I have no doubt; You can depend on it; It's a safe bet
use; utilization; utilisation; application
(one) matter; (one) item; (one) case
to have something on one's mind; to have (undisclosed) reservations; to feel conflicted
astounding; tremendous; crazy; exorbitant
everyone; anyone; no one; nobody
sleek; smooth; thin (of a liquid); without hesitation or delay
called; named; as many as; as much as; all ...; every single ...
(what) the heck; (why) in the world; one object; one body; one form; one style
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
everything; all; the whole; entirely; completely; wholly
that; that thing; that person; then; that time; that place (over there); down there (i.e. one's genitals)
(for something) to have occurred; to have done (something); (for something) to happen on occasion
silence; being silent; quiet; reticence; inaction
departure; departing (from ...); sending; sent (by ...); engine; counter for gunshots, bursts of gas, etc.
investigation (e.g. into someone's guilt); questioning; pressing; catching up; overtaking
regarding; in; to; towards; with regards to
to look happy; to look pleased; to make eyes at (someone); to ogle
tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable
bitter smile; wry smile; strained laugh; sarcastic laugh
change of occupation; career change
awesome; awe-inspiring; august; discourteous (to a superior); lacking due respect
lie; falsehood; fiction; fabrication
to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to be interested (in); to be curious (about); to feel like (doing); to feel inclined to
evil deed; wrongdoing; crime; misfortune; calamity
to get involved (with); to begin (with); to have a hand (in)
human being; human; person; character (of a person)
enough; sufficient; sufficiently; fully; division into ten
as expected; sure enough; after all (is said and done); in the end; too; also
in this way; thus; such; uh...
time (three times, each time, etc.); times
to come to like; to become fond of; to fall in love
ago; since; before; previous
story; tale; talk; discussion
to wait; to await; to look forward to; to depend on; to need
to receive; to get; to eat; to drink; to be crowned with; to wear (on one's head)
as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly
originally; by nature; from the start
sensitive (person, heart, etc.); delicate (issue, problem, etc.); sensitive; fragile; delicate; delicate (fabric, shade, flavour, etc.)
question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion
difficult to ...; hard to ...
to place on (something); to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to load (luggage); to carry; to send out (on the airwaves, etc.); to deceive