to force; to compel; to coerce; to press; to impose
item; something that one "just has to have"
monster; monstrosity; giant; influential figure; monsterlike; over-demanding
setting (someone) to work; employment; using; causative (verb, etc.)
anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody; whoever
to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
war potential; military strength; fighting power; ability (to compete); capabilities; valuable asset
concentration; focusing; convergence; within a collection of works
defense; defence; protection
instant; moment; for an instant
defeat; loss; failing to live up to (one's name, looks, etc.); discount; loss (on a sale)
to finish; to stop; to close (a business, etc.); to close down; to put away; to put back
limit; limits; degree; extent; the end; the last; as long as ...
possibly; apparently; (seem) likely; somehow or other; with difficulty; barely
opposite side; other side; over there; that way; the other party; the other person
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
even if ...; even supposing that ...; also as ...; also for ...; also from the position of ...
leader; reader; reading book; reader (i.e. someone who reads); microreader; dotted line (in printing)
if it is the case that ...
to invade; to attack; to breach; to penetrate
point; tip; head (of a line); front; first; before; (the way) ahead
affinity; compatibility; chemistry (between people)
to get worse; to deteriorate; to go from bad to worse; to spoil (of food); to go bad; to perish
water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water); fluid (esp. in an animal tissue); liquid; flood; floodwaters; water offered to wrestlers just prior to a bout
nature; natural; spontaneous; naturally; spontaneously
there is no need to ...; never happens; there is never a time when
to step on; to tread on; to set foot on (e.g. foreign soil); to stand on; to experience; to undergo; to follow (rules, principles, etc.)
selection; choice; option
expectation; anticipation; purpose; intention; others' opinions of one; speculation
to be disconnected; to get out of place; to miss the mark; to get it wrong (e.g. guess, expectation); to be removed; to be excluded
to see; to look; to examine; to look over; to look after; to attend to; to experience
certain; sure; doubtless; I have no doubt; You can depend on it; It's a safe bet
indicates emotion or admiration; indicates emphasis; I; me; wah!; boo!
outstanding; excellent; exceptional; preeminence; distinction; extraordinariness
memory; ability to remember
face; visage; look; expression; honor; honour
to memorize; to memorise; to learn; to pick up; to feel; to think
conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation
place; spot; field; discipline; occasion; situation; scene (of a play, movie, etc.)
those (near the second person)