very young; little; childish; immature
infatuation; adoration; blind love; doting (on a child)
quiet (place); still; silent; inconspicuously; modestly; quietly
(way of) life; living; livelihood; life circumstances
rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
perhaps; probably; generous; many; much
quiet; silent; slow; unhurried; calm; peaceful
one arm; one's right-hand man; one's right hand
truth; reality; sincerity; honesty; content; substance
young lady of noble birth; princess (esp. in Western contexts, tales, etc.); girl; small; cute; (arch.) prostitute
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned
indicate reason; infers some protest
this one; this way; this method
foreign country; other country; another province; strange land; alien land
to peek (through a keyhole, gap, etc.); to look down into (a ravine, etc.); to peek into (a shop, bookstore, etc.); to sneak a look at; to take a quick look at; to peep (through a telescope, microscope, etc.); to stick out (a scarf from a collar, etc.)
working within the imperial court; being under government employ; resident in Korea; situated in Korea
siblings; brothers and sisters; brothers; siblings-in-law; brothers-in-law; mate
all; entire; whole; altogether
to include (in a group or scope); to instruct; to make one understand; to include (a nuance); to put in (an implication); to put in (someone's) mouth
slight bow (as a greeting or sign of gratitude); nod; salutation; consideration; thoughtfulness
while; during; while; although; all; both
ball (for sport, games, etc.); kemari; type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan
very; extremely; extreme; excessive; splendid; impressive
lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy; well; fit
good; excellent; sufficient; enough; profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
lesson; class work; teaching; instruction
together (with); at the same time; in a lump
to receive; to get; to catch (e.g. a ball); to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to undergo (e.g. surgery)
that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ...; given that ...
comparatively; relatively
close (e.g. friend); familiar; familiar (e.g. story); well-known (to one); close (relatives); closely related
Lois; Reuss; Royce; Ruysch