to disappear; to vanish; to abscond; to decamp
action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation
to do together; to share; to participate in
fate; destiny; connection; tie; pretext; justification
anyhow; anyway; somehow or other; apart from ...; setting ... aside
very; greatly; much; just about to; almost; very nearly
violent emotion; passion; fury
we; us; (arch.) I; (arch.) me; (arch.) you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors)
sure; certain; reliable; trustworthy; If I'm not mistaken; If I remember correctly
to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to; to passively leave to someone else's facilities; to leave to take its natural course; to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim); to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...
one's own judgement (judgment); decision made without consulting others; arbitrary decision; dogmatism
no; nay; well; er; you're welcome; not at all
intention; plan; belief; assumption; estimate; estimation
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
especially; particularly; surely; clearly; as if; as though
office (e.g. the Oval Office)
tired feeling; feeling of exhaustion; sense of fatigue; fatigability
to stick (to); to cling (to); to stay (e.g. in the office)
once; for a short time; briefly; (arch.) one morning
to withdraw from (a deal); to wash one's hands of; to lead by the hand
twice; again; second time
to reconsider; to rethink; to reassess
steward; butler; court official; deacon (Anglican, Lutheran, etc.)
softly; gently; stealthily; secretly; to leave alone; to leave as it is
whispering into a person's ear
dark; gloomy; depressed; dispirited; dark (in colour); dull; ill-boding
that is to say; so that means
to lessen; to decrease; to diminish
no exception; without exception; always the same
to decrease (in size or number); to diminish; to abate
by means of; due to; because of; according to
lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy; well; fit
common saying; everyday talk; common parlance
to be reminded of; to call to mind
across; over; beyond; throughout (a period of time); for
at last; finally; barely; narrowly; just