to slide into; to slip into
look!; look out!; hey!; look at me!; there you are!
to scrape off; to shave off
nonsensical; unreasonable; awfully; extremely; disorder; confusion
to spread; to extend; to unfold; to open; to scatter about; to spread around
to gouge; to hollow out; to greatly perturb; to cause emotional pain; to get to the bottom of things; to relentlessly bring the truth to light
to stab; to thrust (into); to plant (in the ground); to stick upright
obscene; indecent; lewd; bawdy; loose; improper
to ring; to sound; to be popular; to be esteemed; to state; to insist
to be broken; to break; to fall through; to come to nothing
painful; sore; cringy; embarrassing; exceeding
rock (in rock-paper-scissors); stone; ungh; gulp; rumbling (of an empty stomach); growling
that way; that direction; there; that (one); you; your family
funny; amusing; strange; odd; improper; unsuitable
gap; space; break; interlude; chink (in one's armor, armour); chance
being at sea; losing one's bearings; (arch.) disorientation upon waking at night; (arch.) forgetting which house or room to enter
to reach; to touch; to be delivered; to arrive; to be attentive; to be scrupulous
to come untied; to come apart; to be softened; to be relaxed
wow!; oh!; yeah!; alright!; waah!; boohoo!
to be muddy; to be slushy
injury; harm; evil influence; damage
to burn; to be roasted; to be heated; to be jealous; to be envious
to stick; to get stuck; to be unavailable; to be busy; to be piled up (e.g. of work); to halt (in one's speech)
lie; fib; mistake; error; unwise move; bad decision
suddenly and forcefully (e.g. jerk, poke, shove); in a single gulp; in one go
overswelling (of a blood vessel); engorgement; bulging; squaring one's shoulders; flexing one's muscles
with trouble; at great pains; rare; valuable; kind; generous
number one; first; best; most; game; round
dim; hazy; vague; indistinct; faint; fuzzy
feel (i.e. tactile sensation); touch; feeling; sensation; texture (e.g. food, cloth)
together with; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
to sink (into); to get depressed
fish of the genus Rhinogobius; dusky tripletooth goby (Tridentiger obscurus); common freshwater goby (Gymnogobius urotaenia); Japanese fluvial sculpin (fish, Cottus pollux)
to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
nectar; honey; honeydew; treacle; molasses; sorbitol (when visible as dark patches inside an apple)
pain; ache; soreness; damage; injury; wear
please; kindly; by all means; certainly; here you are; to give
reserve; constraint; declining; refraining; forethought; foresight
to collect; to gather; to save; to accumulate; to pile up
yo!; hello there!; wow!; oh!; yah! (yell)
at last; finally; barely; narrowly; just
not worth (getting angry about, etc.)