to rock; to shake; to swing
having in mind; happening to know of; idea
nonexistent; nil; none; nothing (at all); bugger-all
antiquity; the previous era
tragic love story; tale of tragic love
serious; not joking; straight
to talk about; to speak of; to recite; to chant; to indicate; to show
mental health; mental illnesses
the place for; the time for; the level of
person with an unhealthy romantic obsession
to fall ill; to suffer from (e.g. a disease); to have something wrong with (e.g. an inner organ)
before very long; soon; someday; of the previously mentioned; of that number; among them
aim; object; expectations; prospects; something that can be relied upon; snack served with alcoholic drink; pad
mail; postal matter; postal item
considerably; not a little; in no small numbers
disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character
gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order; in turn
to raise; to elevate; to do up (one's hair); to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to land (a boat); to show someone (into a room)
erotic novel; amorous novel; pornographic novel
forward; frontward; ahead; rectangular front
to get between; to be caught in
nirvana; supreme enlightenment; death; death of Buddha
form; shape; figure; visage
to sprawl; to lie sprawled; to stretch oneself out; to lie relaxed on one's side
to be buried; to be covered; to overflow; to be crowded; to be repaid (e.g. debt); to be replenished
to fit; to get into; to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to fall into; to plunge into
as it is; as one likes; because; condition; state
crawl (swimming); front crawl; forward crawl; web crawling
product; produce; result; fruit
suspension; pause; temporary halt; stopping (at an intersection, railway crossing, etc.)
taking a breath (while singing, swimming, etc.); short break; breather
to carry; to transport; to come; to go; to wield (a tool, etc.); to use
ditch; drain; gutter; trench
resuscitation; regeneration; reformation; rehabilitation; playback; regeneration (sound, etc.)
sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
tip of nose; before one's eyes; under one's nose; tip (of something)
foreshadowing; preparation; precautionary measures