wind; breeze; manner; behaviour; cold; influenza
groan; moan; roar; howl; hum (e.g. motor); buzz (e.g. bee, wire in wind)
thunderous roar; roaring sound
standing upright; standing bolt upright; rearing
to drive into (e.g. a nail into a board); to hit into (e.g. a home run into the stands); to throw into (e.g. jail); to drum into (someone) (an idea, skill, etc.); to hammer into
which (of three or more); well; now; c'mon
extent; degree; limit; bounds; (span of) time; (a) distance; the state of
time; hour; period; class
it was, wasn't it?; must have been; I think (it was); how might it have been?
several minutes; a few minutes
earth; ground; place; territory; bottom (of a package, book, etc.); earth (one of the five elements)
to fall (over, down); to collapse; to be destroyed (in a collapse); to collapse; to be confined to bed (with an illness); to come down with; to die
to spill; to fall out of; to peek through; to become visible (although normally not); to escape (of a smile, tear, etc.)
explosion; rupture; break off
vitreous body (of the eye); vitreous humor; vitreous humour; the vitreous
hands and feet; limbs; person at one's beck and call; person at hand; reliable worker
to be twisted; to be wrapped; to be distorted
failure; defective article; dead loss; good-for-nothing; worthless person; flop
on the road; on the street; in the street; on the way
to roll; to tumble; to fall over; to roll over; to lie down; to be scattered about; to be lying around
mess; sorry state; -ways; -wards; in the act of ...; just as one is ...
play; sport; fun; caprice; joke; jest
a-ha-ha (laughing loudly)
to shout with exultation; to shout for joy
involuntarily; instinctively; without realizing; unconsciously
frantic; frenetic; inevitable death; brinkmate (inevitable checkmate)
to stiffen; to become stiff
trampling down; overrunning; infringement; violation
to corner; to drive to the wall; to run down; to track down; to chase after
somewhat cold; a bit chilly
since some time ago; for some time; for quite a while
inside out; upside down; flip side; opposite; contrary
excess; surplus; superabundance; overabundance
continuation; succession; series
to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to lead to (a place); to get to; in the extreme case of; (arch.) to come
to be broken; to break; to fall through; to come to nothing
to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby); to embrace; to have sex with; to make love to; to sit on (eggs); to brood