wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason
won't; hasn't; isn't; won't you
no matter what; whatever happens; in any situation; rain or shine
funny; amusing; strange; odd; improper; unsuitable
indicates reason or excuse; indicates dissatisfaction; indicates desire to be pampered or indulged
to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to be understood; to be comprehended; to be honored
look!; look out!; hey!; look at me!; there you are!
to often be the case; to occur frequently; to be common; to be popular
to go through; to pass through; to get through; to cut across
distinction; difference; separate; different; exception; exclusion
story; tale; narrative; account; fable; legend
to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to be interested (in); to be curious (about); to feel like (doing); to feel inclined to
to go wrong; to turn for the worse
thoughtlessness; indiscretion
reckless; thoughtless; rash; ill-advised; impulsive; mad (e.g. scheme)
lacking a plan; haphazard
thinking; thought; idea; notion; intention; plan
failure; mistake; blunder
painful; sore; cringy; embarrassing; exceeding
(what) the heck; (why) in the world; one object; one body; one form; one style
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
all; altogether; entirely; exactly like; just like; spitting image of
ordinary; common; free of charge; unaffected; as is; only
inverted; upside down; reversed; back to front; wrong way round
bustling; busy; crowded; lively (party, voices, etc.); loud; noisy
black; black go stone; guilt; guilty person
opposition; resistance; antagonism; reverse; opposite; inverse
white; innocence; innocent person; blank space; white go stone; white dragon tile; skewered grilled pig intestine
happy; auspicious; propitious; naive
owner; proprietor; possessor (e.g. of talent, beauty, etc.)
simple; plain; uncomplicated; straightforward; simple-minded; naive
short circuit; short; illogical jump; drawing a hasty inference (between two events); jumping to conclusions
simple; easy; uncomplicated; brief; quick; light
single cell; simple-minded person; one-track-minded person
direction; way; person; lady; method of; manner of; care of ...
opposite side; other side; over there; that way; the other party; the other person
oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
objection; refutation; rebuttal; counterargument
(some) more; even more; longer; further
literal translation; direct translation
colour; color; complexion; skin colour; look (on one's face); expression; appearance
originally; primarily; essentially; intrinsically; proper; rightful