with trouble; at great pains; rare; valuable; kind; generous
denotes uncertainty; such things as A and B; A and B and so on; A and B and the like
right; correct; proper; righteous; just
listen!; you see; mind you; remember
what; how many; many; a lot of; several; a few
to be taught; to learn; to take lessons in
study; diligence; discount; reduction
incidentally; taking the opportunity; while (you) are at it; on the occasion
inside; interior; among; within; middle; center; during
to put in; to let in; to admit; to accept; to accept; to comply; to include
keep ...-ing; have been ...-ing; leaving (something) on; leaving (something) still in use
textbook; coursebook; schoolbook
no problem; all right; not an issue; unobjectionable
why?; what for?; how?; by what means?
various; all sorts of; variety of; (arch.) various colors (colours)
to make (good) progress; to move right ahead (with the work); to advance
question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion
to untie; to unfasten; to unsew; to unstitch; to solve; to work out; to dispel (misunderstanding, etc.)
concentration; focusing; convergence; within a collection of works
honor student; honours student; model student; prize pupil
(powers of) concentration; ability to concentrate
yes; indeed; ha!; what?; huh?; sigh
chair; stool; post; office; position
to associate with; to keep company with; to go out with; to go along with; to follow someone's lead; to accompany someone
usual; normal; everyday; usually; normally; generally
a matter of course; what is to be expected; par for the course
course (of events); development; progress; market order; order without limit
confession; acknowledgement; confession of love; professing one's feelings; confession of sins (e.g. the confessional)
to touch; to come in contact with; to receive (e.g. visitor); to attend to; to receive (news); to get; to encounter
training; drill; practice; discipline
circumstances; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs
to receive; to get; to catch (e.g. a ball); to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to undergo (e.g. surgery)
somehow; for some reason or other
to return; to come back; to turn over; to become extremely; to become completely
arriving at the present; present-day; to arrive at the present day
pair of lovers; girlfriend and boyfriend
something; something or other; so-and-so; somehow; anyhow; one way or another
so far; up to now; hitherto; that's enough (for today); it ends here
shame; disgrace; raping; rape
underwear; undergarment; underclothes; lingerie
to see; to look; to examine; to look over; to look after; to attend to; to experience
gym clothes; gym uniform; PE kit