to be in a hurry; to be impatient; to be anxious (to do); to get a fright; to panic; to get flustered
continuation; rest (of the story, work, etc.); flow (e.g. of a piece of writing); pacing (of a story); succession (of); sequence
story; tale; talk; discussion
awfully; frightfully; desperately; violently; unduly; extremely
polite; courteous; civil; careful; close; thorough
to raise; to rear; to train; to teach; to promote the growth of; to nurture
vitality; (one's) life force
reproductive (procreative) power; fertility
before one knows; before one becomes aware of; unnoticed; unawares
there; over there; genitals; private parts; that far; that much
to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into
lively; vigorous; energetic; full of (energy, appetite, curiosity, etc.); brimming with
as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
to cover; to hide; to conceal; to wrap; to disguise
My goodness!; Good lord!; Holy cow!
to dig up; to turn up; to tear up; to rake up (e.g. old scandal); to dig over
swan (Cygnus spp.); white-feathered bird
bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry
any butterfly of family Pieridae (incl. the white butterflies and the sulfur butterflies)
I see; that's right; indeed
(a) little; somewhat; somehow
thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; to beat fast (of one's heart); to throb; to pound
exaggerated beyond recognition; nonsense; wild talk; lies
gossip; corner of the mouth
language of flowers; floriography; flower symbolism, e.g. red roses mean love
passing; (person) who happens to pass by; (place) that one happens to pass by; casual (e.g. romance); momentary
tightly; closely; exactly; precisely; suddenly (stopping); perfectly (suited)
to get complicated; to grow worse; to turn sour
concerning the result (as opposed to the means used to achieve this result or the original goal)
how; in what way; by what means
this time; now; next time; another time; recently; lately
it is ... that ...; precisely; although; while; it is precisely because ... that ...; only because ...
slight bow (as a greeting or sign of gratitude); nod; salutation; consideration; thoughtfulness
unhappiness; sorrow; misfortune; death (usu. of a relative); bereavement
mental; spiritual; emotional
to receive; to get; to catch (e.g. a ball); to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to undergo (e.g. surgery)
change of schedule; schedule change
to make merry; to frolic; to be in high spirits