to run into; to rush into; to (run and) seek refuge in; to take shelter in
to be heard; to be audible; to be said to be; to be reputed
a little; a bit; just a minute; for a moment; somewhat; rather; (not) easily
lisping; poorly expressed; unclear (wording); imprecise (expression)
to knock down; to beat (someone) up; to injure (someone) so badly they cannot recover (esp. emotionally); to overwhelm (with mental anguish, etc.)
stoppage; coming to a stop; ceasing (movement, activity, etc.); suspension (of operations); suspension (of payment, licence, etc.); (temporary) prohibition
huh?; eh?; what?; oh; hey!; look!
senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer
flapping (of a flag, fan, etc.); fluttering; pitter-patter (of footsteps); quickly (making progress); in quick succession
sound of footsteps; sense or sign that something is approaching
to approach; to draw near; to get close; to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know
to match (rhythm, speed, etc.); to join together; to unite; to face; to be opposite (someone); to compare; to check with
heart; guts; nerve; central part
gushingly; copiously; profusely; in a steady stream
green grass; young (fresh) grass
important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
childhood friend; friend from infancy; old playmate
break in contact; not hearing from; having no communication with
close friend; bosom friend; buddy; crony; chum
doing; in such a state; doing together; doing to each other; familiarizing suffix (sometimes meaning "small")
large; big; older; senior; final; ultimate
crumpled; rumpled; to be annoyed; to be irritated; noisily (chewing)
earnestly; immediately; exactly
to fall down; to fall over; to turn out; to play out; to abandon Christianity (and convert to Buddhism); to apostatize
corridor; hallway; passageway
to stick (to); to cling (to); to stay (e.g. in the office)
safe; secure; certainly; surely; no thanks; I'm good
shoe; shoes; boots; footwear; footgear
to fling; to throw off (clothes); to kick off (boots)
to rise; to erect; to get up
mess; sorry state; -ways; -wards; in the act of ...; just as one is ...
Eh?; What?; Come on!; Damn!
to come together; to merge; to fit; to match; to be profitable; to be equitable
don't; do; hey; listen; now, ...; well, ...