1. regarding; in; to; towards; with regards to
Composed of
opposite; opposition; versus; vs.; to (e.g. "winning a game five to three"); equal footing
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
crime against humanity
Examples (73 in total)
War is a crime against humanity.
It is an insult to her.
My attitude towards him changed.
Our feelings towards him are mixed.
The impact of science on society is great.
He has lost interest in politics.
It was the triumph of civilization over force.
She has no sense of beauty.
The author expresses his passion for his love.
It is nothing less than an insult to her.
You lack sincerity for her.
The answer to this question is wrong.
I am indignant about the way he treated me.
He has little feeling for others.
I asked the student what image he had of black people.
There are many threats to this operation.
The government has increased its financial aid to the developing nations.
She concealed the change in her feelings toward him.
All the answers to this question were wrong.
That wasn't directed at you.
I see life differently now.
Anyone can cultivate their interest in music.
I only go to church out of duty to my mother.
He expressed his feelings for nature in a poem.
What was their reaction to the report?
The mayor acknowledged her services to the city.
You must conquer your fear of the dark.
An artist must have an eye for color.
You should not lose your patience when dealing with kids.
Your answer to the question turned out to be wrong.
She has a natural talent for music.
Some have lost faith in democracy.
Germans are very environmentally conscious.
The charges against him were dropped because of his youth.
We were filled with anger against the murderer.
He has no sympathy for single parent families.
Her belief in God is unshaken.
What I'm about to say will answer your question.
It shows the depth of his love for his family.
I dreaded his reply to my letter.
What was his reaction to this news?
He just brushed aside any objections to the proposal.
At last he unfolded his plans for their future.
This is a small acknowledgement of your kindness.
Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.
Your answer to the question is not correct.
A number of countries have strict laws against drugs.
The freight was insured against all risks.
What do you make of his attitude towards us these days?
He has a deep insight into human psychology.
Isn't that the most humane punishment for criminals?
The government adopted strong measures to fight inflation.
These fragile items must be insured against all risks.
Recently the demand for this product has increased faster than the supply.
A favorable review of your play will appear in the next issue.
There is still serious racial hatred against black people.
Your contribution to the school is tax-deductible.
His mother tried to cultivate her son's interest in art.
The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.
Scientists began to find answers to these questions.
Yamada tried hard to keep his anger against his boss in check.
My interest in politics is strictly academic.
Style is to the writer what color is to the painter.
Wit is to conversation what salt is to food.
The war affected the way the Japanese view nuclear weapons.
What I am talking about right now is the deep love and respect I have for my husband.
Keeping a diary also gives us a chance to reflect on our daily life.
Chris cannot control his passion for the lovely new girl in town.
I don't like the way he speaks to me.
The mortality rate per 1000 live births are set out in figure 13.1.
The proportion of girls to boys in our class is three to two.
The proportion of sunny days to rainy days last month was 4 to 1.
There were demonstrations against the government by Japanese university students in the 1960's.